You've heard of the Great Wall of China and maybe even have seen it, but closer to home explore the Great Gates of California. There's the Golden Gate in San Francisco, Angel's Gate in Los Angeles and Chromatic Gate in Santa Barbara's Cabrillo Park. South Gate is a city in Los Angeles County and in that same county Devil's Gate Dam in Pasadena is haunted, some say.
SeeCalifornia contributor Debbie Stock began noticing gates when walking along Newport Beach's bays, looking at multi-million homes and mansions along the way. No two gates are the same! Just a mile away in the tract house sections of the city, however, every gate is identical-mile upon mile!
As the quest continues for unique and picture-worthy gates, the professional photographer came upon a great gate (shown in photo) in Sunset Beach. It is made of wood and contains a porthole, just like you'll find in ships. Hanging from the sides of the gate are buoys of various colors and shapes.
The only thing missing from the gate is a face peering through the porthole. Through the eyes of a photographer it's the kind of gate that would make a fun photo-shoot if you had some models.