In the photo above you are looking from the Arroyo Grande Swinging Bridge to 40 feet below in the Arroyo Grande Creek. The creek is generally shallow except when it rains, but the bridge was built in the early 1900's to conveniently access both sides of his property.
The Arroyo Grande Creek Swinging Bridge (as one sign specifies) was rebuilt as part of a Streambank Protection Project sponsored and funded by Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, City of Arroyo Grande and the Central Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council 1987.
By all accounts, the bridge was severely damaged by storms and in 1995 was rebuilt with a new plaque explaining that development.
The bridge and creek where you can see people wander sometimes, are at the Arroyo Grande Village Green, a park with picnic tables and small gazebo behind City Hall and downtown shops.