The Authors section features California authors and their works. Most books are non-fiction and are especially useful to those interested in California history and travel.
Author Craig MacDonald is our book reviewer. The former San Diego Union reporter (and Pulitzer Prizes nominee) has written 24 books on subjects ranging from hobbies to his favorite topic, the California gold rush.
NEW! BAMBOOZLED by Lance Martin
Alt, Jeff
Anderson, Bill
Anderson Design Group - Joel & Nathan Anderson
Andrews, Lori
Baker, Hal
Bible, Karie Marc Wanamaker & Harry Medved
Borrman, Laura Smith
Boyer, Don
Brey, Karen
Chapman, Robin
Choy, Philip
Clark, Wesley H. & Michael B. McDaniel
Clune, Brian & Bob Davis
Conaway, Peggy
Crane, Patricia
Davis, Lenard
De Wolfe, Evelyn
Dramov, Alissandra
Dunnigan, Frank
Echeverria, Emiliano & Walter Rice
Epting, Chris
Fregulia, Carolyn
Friedmann, Jonathan
Fuerte, Luis
Gaslamp Quarter Association
Geary, George
Geissinger, Terri Lynn
Harman, Dianne
Heller, Claudia & Alan
Hellewell, Skip
Henderson, Jason and Adam Foshko
Heywood, Mike
Hoberg, Donna
Horton, Jason
Iverson, Diane
Johnson, Bob
Kalafatis, Joanna
Kirkpatrick, Kathy
Kramer, Carol
Langs, Richard
Little, Rich
Lobb, Charles
Lorey III, Frank
Lynch, David K., PhD
MacDonald, Craig
Martin, Lance
Mayer, Robert
McCosker, Mary and Salon, Mary
Montoya, Carina Monica
Morgan, Judith; Costello, Julia; Manna Salvatore
Muth, Deborah
Nunn, Cynthia Ackley
O'Brien, Tricia
O'Hare, Sheila and Berry, Irene
Osterberg, Deborah
Palazzo, Robert
Pedick, Joe
Radanovich, Leroy
Raugh, Jr., Harold E.
Richardson, Jeffrey
Riordan, Richard
Rubin, Jordan S.
Saltzgaver, Harry
Saxton, Bob
Schneider, John
Schweyer, Carmel Barry- and Alvarez, Alycia
Seltzer, Jerry and Coppage, Keith
Serato, Bruno
Shepherd, Kim
Shueh, Sam
Smothers, Marcy Carriker
Sommers, Art | John Knox and April McDonald-Loomis
Sonderman, Joe
Stapp, Cheryl Anne
Stern, Michael
Stock, Ron
Tatterson, Susan
Thompson, Mark
Timmons, Shelli
Trobits, Monika
Twain, Mark
Walker, Jim
Walker, Xan Blood
Watson, Lisa Crawford
Willinger, Andy
Ybarra, Evie
Zambrano, Mark
Hardy, Phil - Singing for My Supper, The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written
Schaadt, Mike, Dr. Stefan Harzen, Dr. Barbara Brunnick - An Ocean of Inspiration – The John Olguin Story