Avila Beach Main Beach, San Luis Obispo County Dogs on a leash are allowed on the main beach in downtown Avila before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. every day.
Cayucos State Beach, San Luis Obispo County Dogs on a leash are allowed on the state beach from the south end of Studio
Drive in Cayucos to Cayucos Pier. parks.ca.gov
Fisherman's Beach, Avila Beach Dogs on a leash are
allowed on 24 hours a day.
Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, San Luis Obispo County 5.5 miles of beach open for vehicle use and the sand dunes available for off
highway motor vehicle recreation. Dogs on a leash are allowed on the beach. parks.ca.gov
Olde Port Beach, Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo County
Dogs on a leash are allowed on Olde Port Beach 24 hours a
day. Dogs on a leash are allowed on the main beach in downtown Avila before 10
a.m and after 5 p.m. every day.
Pfeiffer Beach Big Sur, San Luis Obispo County Dogs on
a leash no longer than 6 feet are allowed on the beach. Day use
only, no overnight camping. bigsurcalifornia.org
Pismo City Beach, San Luis Obispo County
Dogs on a leash are allowed on the beach. Dogs are not permitted on the Pismo
Pier. pismobeach.org
Pismo State BeachPismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County: Dogs on a leash are allowed on the beaches of Pismo State Beach with the
exception of Pismo Dunes Natural Preserve. parks.ca.go
San Luis Obispo
Coast State Parks: Dogs Allowed on Beaches slostateparks.com
San Simeon Coastal Access, San Luis Obispo County
Dogs on leash are allowed on the beach. Coastal access is just north of the