California Beaches


Sunset Beach Buried in Sand

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Sunset Beach Beaches:

Shown is a picture of a lady placing a shovel of sand onto a child slightly buried in a pile of sand. Children love the sensations of sandy beaches. The tactile experience helps them to learn about their surroundings.

A day at the beach probably wouldn't be complete without shoveling some sand. However, caution is advised in putting sand over someone. The dangers that can occur include the sand collapsing and actually burying somebody by accident, or a person drowning as an unexpected wave washes up on a person covered in sand who can't move.

Such accidents are rare, and in general, you'll find the sand is really great fun. There's a beach store across the street from Sunset Beach if you forget to bring sand toys for the kids. You can also improvise and use every day objects such as food containers and household utensils, spoons, etc., to provide playtime with kids at beautiful Sunset Beach, California. The beach is open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.