Summer days in Sunset Beach are busy, happy and fun. Bring beach blankets, towels, umbrellas for shade, picnic baskets, sodas or water (no glass containers allowed), and bring the family, including the kids.
Sand toys are recommended for children as Sunset Beach offers some of the best textured sand for building castles and designs. Kids can use their fingers, and hands, too! Oh, don't forget your beach chairs!
The beach is wide and slopes toward the ocean down a small hill. The waves are gentle most days but not always. When you see brown patches of water it indicates rip currents that will pull you out to sea. Just keep an eye on the kids and please don't veer out in the water above your knees if you don't know how to swim!
Taking pictures of sunny days in Sunset Beach is all about lighting.
If you notice the shadows in this picture, the sun is fairly high
in the sky and slightly to the photographers right, just over the
shoulder. Shooting into the sun creates a whole different effect. Try it
some time and see what happens!