BUENA VISTA AUDUBON NATURE CENTER & MUSEUM Open from 10am to 4pm. Tuesdays through Saturdays and 1pm to 4pm. Sundays. Location: 2202 So. Coast Hwy, Oceanside. Phone: (760) 439-2473 Website: www.bvaudubon.org Their Exhibit includes some of the finest displays of local and migratory birds
in the area, including a White Pelican, a Barn Owl, a Red-Shouldered Hawk, and some Northern Flickers. Afterwards visit the Buena Vista Lagoon, the only freshwater lagoon in the State of California. Dozens of varieties of waterfowl can be seen here, both migrant and resident. This characteristic makes it habitable by both fresh-water (ducks, geese) and salt-water (terns, gulls, cormorants) fowl. Birdwatching Trips The Audubon Nature Center also sponsors about 3 birdwatching trips per month. Call for exact dates and times. Nature Shows The 4th Thursday of every month, 7:30pm-9pm. OTHER FAVORITE BIRD WATCHING SPOTS: GUAJOME PARK 3000 Guajome Lake Rd. Take I-5 to Hwy. 76. Go east 7 miles. The Park is one of the best bird watching spots in the area. At least 144 species have been seen within its
boundaries. OCEANSIDE HARBOR 1380 N. Pacific Ave. Great seabird viewing environment Buena Vista Lagoon Lesser Goldfinch Bird Watching Oceanside Bird Count The annual Christmas Bird Count at Oceanside's Audubon Nature Center came to 193
different bird species. Summer Tanager Some unusual species spotted: OTHER BIRDS OF OCEANSIDE American Pipit American Avocet Bluebird Bushtit Brown Creeper Black Turnstone Black-bellied Plover Bittern, American Cedar Waxwing CA Thrasher Common Yellow-Throat Cout, American Coot, Common Curlew, Long-billed Cormorant, Brandt's Cormorant, Double-crossed Crow, Common Dunlin Dowitcher, Long-billed Dove, Rock Ducks: Ring-necked, Ruddy, Golden Eye, Wood, Bufflehead Egret, Great Flicker Falcon, Peregrine Finch, House & Purple Flycatchers Grosbeak, Black-headed Golden Eagle Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, American Grebe (Western, Pied-billed) Godwit, Marbled Gadwall Goose (Brandt, Canada, Snow) Gulls Grackle, Great-Tailed Greater Scaup Heron (Great Blue, Green-backs) Hawks: Sharp-shinned, Cooper's, Red-tailed, Red-shoulder Hummingbirds: Allen's, Anna's Costa's, Black-chinned Jays: Scrub and Stellar's Junco, Dark-eyed Kestrel, American Kingbird, Western Kinglet, Ruby-crowned Kingfisher, Western, Belted Killdeer Kite, White-tailed, Red-shoulder Loggerhead Shrike Loon: Common & Red-throated Lesser Goldfinch Lazull Bunting Lesser Scaup Mourning Dove Mockingbird, Northern Merganser, Red-breasted Mallard Meadowlark Nuttall's Woodpecker Nuthatch, White-breasted Northern Shoveler Owl: Northern Saw-whet, Western Screech, Burrowing Oriole, Northern Pelican, Brown, White Pine Siskin Phoebe, Black Pintail, Northern Quail: CA, Mountain Robin, American Roadrunner, Greater Rail: Virginia, Clapper Red Knot Ruddy Turnstone Raven Redhead Starling, European Sanderling Snowy Plover Sandpiper, Western, Spotted Stilt, Black-Necked Surf Scoter Sparrow: Song, Savannah Swallow: Barn, Cliff Towhee, Rufous-Sided, CA Thrasher, CA Titmouse, Plain Teal, Green-Winged Tern: Caspian, Elegant, Least Whimbrel Willet Wrentit Wigeon, American