Crescent City is 1.6 square miles in size with a population of 7,542 and a surrounding urban service area of approximately 15,000. County-wide the population is approximately 26,000 encompassing 1003 square miles. The annual rainfall averages 75 inches. Summer coastal temperatures average 60 70 degrees, with inland temperatures much warmer. Winter temperatures average 40 50 degrees.
Among the unique events in Crescent City is the World Championship Crab Races. A new spin on the race has the crabs crawling off to the sea, with the first one to arrive in the water declared the winner. This annual event is a fund-raiser for local community non-profit organizations such as the North Coast Marine Mammal Center.
The marine mammal center in Crescent City is an amazing organization that helps distressed marine animals by providing care to rehabilitate sea creatures.