Who is at risk to be eavesdropped on or bugged? Right now--anyone! Businesses moving into new facilities, famous people, movie stars, celebrities, stock trading rooms, people or businesses involved in civil court proceedings, spouses monitoring the telephone calls of the other spouse, human resources monitoring the waiting rooms of potential applicants, neighbors eavesdropping on other neighbors, victims of stalkers, religious groups, events, public or controversial projects monitored by the media, investment bankers, gambling and casino operations, diplomats, political campaign offices, employers and employees monitoring each others' telephones, union negotiators...the list goes on and on!
Who Does The Bugging? Private investigators, corporations, industrial spies, employers and employees, insurance companies, spouses bug each other, scientists bug other scientists, adversaries in any professional field and foreign and domestic governmental agencies. If you think that you're being bugged, you can hire an agency to help you "sweep" your environment and find offending devices. The new drone technologies being introduced throughout the nation, however, can be as small as a fly or bird, and will have the power to swoop into your yard to watch and record you, then quickly fly away.
Some surveillance: