California Christmas Tree Ceremony


Ferndale Tallest Tree Lighting

Lighting of America's Tallest Living Christmas Tree, December 1, 2024, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Main Street at Ocean
Ferndale, CA
(707) 786-4477

At the end of Main Street (shown in photo) is the tallest, living lit Christmas tree in the nation. As you can see, there are many tall trees in Ferndale, CA!

The entire town of around 1,5000 residents turns out, including the members of the Booster Band, Chameleon Singers, Scouts, and other civic groups and city officials to enjoy the lighting of the tree decked with lights installed by Ferndale Volunteer Firemen.

Refreshments (cookies and beverages) are served at this community event, a Ferndale tradition since 1934. Time: 5:30 p.m.

Bragging rights to the nation's tallest living Christmas Tree are hard-earned and much disputed. While 4 of 5 Christmas trees in an Idaho resort, Coeur d'Alene, were claimed to be taller than Ferndale's living tree, those trees have died. Ferndale, in our eyes, gets bragging rights as the Nation's Tallest Living Lighted Tree.

Anyone who knows their Redwood trees will remember that the Nation's Christmas Tree, General Grant, in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, California, stands around 268.1 feet tall! The Ferndale Tree is disputed to be between 151.26' tall - 162. 5'. Either way it's a tall tree and beautifully lit for the holidays.

Ferndale is an old-fashioned Victorian village on the Northern California Redwood Coast. People live in Ferndale because they like the lifestyle, traditions and ceremonies that rekindle the Christmas spirit. The lighting of the big tree at the end of Main Street has been a tradition since 1934. Another tradition is the Lighted Tractor Parade later in the month.

The first Saturday each December, they decorate the monster Sitka spruce and have a big town party. The tree contains strings of colored lights, approx. 900 - 1,0o0 lights, fitting the downtown's elegantly low-key approach and desire for simple decor.

For now, we're voting for Ferndale as the nation's tallest "lit" Christmas Tree. The Nation's Christmas Tree is taller, but has no lights. It is located in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, and is called the General Grant Tree.

Other events include an annual Halloween celebration in Ferndale and the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.

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