May 24, 2012 Thursday
BISHOP: Mule Days May 22 -27, 2012, 3-15/ day, general admission. muledays
MORAGA: Wine Social, Art Exhibit and Sale. Local vineyards will pour their wines, and local artists will exhibit their artworks. Time: 4 - 7 p.m. Location: Hacienda de las Flores, 2100 Donald Drive, Moraga, CA. haciendafoundation
VACAVILLE: Fiesta Days May 21-28, 2012. Enjoy the Fiesta Days Parade on Saturday, beauty pageant, Crab Boil, Carnival, concerts, vendor booths and a full week of entertainment. fiestadays
SACRAMENTO: Sacramento County Fair May 24-28, 2012. sacfair
SAN BERNARDINO: National Orange Show Festival May 24-28, 2012. nationalorangeshow
WOODSIDE: Filoli Special Thursdays. Stick around from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. and soak up the rich seasonal colors to paint or photograph the historic house and gardens. Special dates include: June 21, August 16, September 20 and October 18, 2012. Space is limited, pre-registration is highly recommended. Fee: 5, includes same day admission to Filoli. You are welcome to arrive anytime after 10 a.m. to visit the historic Filoli house and garden and scout locations for your next masterpiece. Location: 86 Canada Road, Woodside, CA. Phone 364-8300. filoli
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