Vacaville Concerts in Andrews Park at Creekwalk
Sausalito Jazz by the Bay, Sausalito, CA
Santa Cruz Boardwalk Free Beach Concerts, California
Lemoore California Free Summer Concerts in the Arbor
Foster City, California Concerts in the Park Series
Carlsbad TGIF Concerts in the Park Carlsbad, CA
Brentwood Summer Concerts Series
San Luis Obispo Concerts in the Plaza
Rosemead California Rockin Concerts Free Summer Music in the Park
Redwood City Music on the Square
Laguna Beach, California Free Summer Concerts
COSTA MESA - Orange County Fair July 12 - August 11, 2013 ocfair
CRESCENT CITY: Del Norte County Fair, August 1-4, 2013. Location: Fairgrounds 421 Highway 101 North Crescent City, California 95531 Office 464-9556, dnfair
LA HABRA - Corn Festival Aug. 2-4, 2013
LONG BEACH - Kids Fishing Rodeo at Belmont Memorial Veterans Pier, Long Beach, CA. Time: 8 a.m. - Noon. alfredosbeachclub | Region: Los Angeles County
MONTEREY - Monterey Horse Show Aug 2-4, 2013 montereycountyfair /horse-show
SANTA ROSA - Sonoma County Fair July 25 - Aug 11, 2013 (closed Mondays). The 2013 Fair theme is "Home Spun Fun"! sonomacountyfair
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016