Summer concerts...
Yucca Valley Free Summer Concert Series
Burbank Concerts at Starlight Bowl, California
Laguna Beach, California Free Summer
Festivals and events...
BIG BEAR LAKE - Moonridge Zoo Blues for the Zoo concert. Fine Food - Local Artisans - Cool Breezes on the Lake. Musical acts include headliner Windy City Harmonica Breakdown featuring Billy Branch along with Russ Green and Omar Coleman. Starting the day's musical mix will be piano virtuoso Kenny "Blues Boss" Wayne. And back by popular demand, Cafe R&B. Time: 1-7 p.m. 0, day of 5. Location: 41220 Park Avenue, San Bernardino National Forest, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. 878-4200 moonridgezoo
CRESCENT CITY: Del Norte County Fair, August 1-4, 2013. Location: Fairgrounds 421 Highway 101 North Crescent City, California 95531 Office 464-9556, dnfair
LA HABRA - Corn Festival Aug. 2-4, 2013
MONTEREY - Monterey Horse Show Aug 2-4, 2013 montereycountyfair /horse-show
SAN DIEGO: A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare play. Filled with magic, music and humor, the merriment unfolds in an enchanted forest where fairies play tricks on unsuspecting lovers and bumbling actors are transformed beyond their wildest dreams. Held outdoors at the 605-seat Lowell Davies Festival Theatre against a backdrop of spectacular Balboa Park. It is nestled among beautiful eucalyptus trees and features stadium seating. Cushions and blankets are available for a nominal fee. 9-92. Time: 8 p.m. Location: Balboa Park, Old Globe Theatre, 1363 Old Globe Way, San Diego, CA. 234-5623. theoldglobe
SANTA ROSA - Sonoma County Fair July 25 - Aug 11, 2013 (closed Mondays). The 2013 Fair theme is "Home Spun Fun"! sonomacountyfair
DOYLE - Annual Doyle Days Lizard Races August 2 & 3, 2013. Come to Dixon Park, Doyle. Fri. Kick-Off Dance & VFW BBQ, Buck Inn. Sat. 10am Parade, Re-enactors, Pancake Breakfast, Horseshoe Tourney, 12pm Lizard Races, 6pm Children's Parade. 8pm - midnight Street Dance with live music by Cool Change For. more information email doyledays2010@hotmail . lassencountychamber
FAWNSKIN: Big Bear Pirate Faire Aug. 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 2013. The Big Bear Valley Renaissance Society, Inc., is having it's 7th annual Big Bear Pirate Faire. There will be battle re-enactments and battles on the 'New Pirate' beach, court martial & court re-enactments, stage shows, shopping and food!! All profits go to the youth of the Valley for educational endeavors. Location: North Shore, Big Bear City, CA. Time: 10am to 6pm. varies weekend pass. bbvrsinc
NORTH FORK Mono Museum Indian Day Fair & Pow Wow. Held the first week of August at the recreation center in North Fork, CA. Phone: 559-877-2115 sierramonomuseum
CRESCENT CITY - Del Norte County Fair Aug 2 - 5, 2012 dnfairgrounds
HUNTINGTON BEACH - US Open of Surfing, July 28-August 5, 2012. This annual, free event on the beach includes free concerts, free activities and a variety of beach games and contests ranging from surfing to skateboarding. usopenofsurfing
BAKERSFIELD - Monterey Horse Show Aug 3-5, 2012 montereycountyfair /horse-show
LA HABRA - Corn Festival Aug. 2-4, 2013
SANTA CLARA - Santa Clara County Fair August 2 - 5, 2012
San Jose, CA thefair
UKIAH - Redwood Empire Fair Aug 2 - 5, 2012 redwoodempirefair
VALLEJO - Solano County Fair Aug. 1 - 5, 2012 scfair
VENTURA County Fair Aug 1 - 12, 2012 venturacountyfair
YUBA CITY - Yuba-Sutter Fair August 1 - 5, 2012 yubasutterfair
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016