ANAHEIMOC Greek Fest May 17-19, 2013 . Location: St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, 405 N. Dale Street, Anaheim, CA. Phone: 827-0182, ocgreekfest │Orange County
ANGELS CAMP: Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee, May 16-19, 2013.
BEVERLY HILLS: Friends of Robinson Gardens will present the 25th annual Into the Garden benefit showcasing five private gardens as well as tours of the Virginia Robinson estate in Beverly Hills. Time: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. . 1008 Elden Way, Beverly Hills. 550-2068. robinsongardens │Los Angeles County
CALEXICO: Mariachi Festival, May 13-18, 2013. Weeklong festivities include a Mariachi Festival Sponsor Reception, Festival Mixer, Mariachi Idol Competition, Arts & Crafts Sale featuring artisans from Mexico. Watch Gerardo Venegas during the 22nd Annual Mariachi Festival Sin Fronteras. Entertainment today includes Estrella de Jalisco, Mariachi Chula Vista, Oscar Cruz, Latin Fuze, Mariachi Acero del Valle, Mariachi Centinela, Party Hurtado. Time: 5 p.m. Location: Crummet Park, Calexico, CA. admission. the Calexico Chamber of Commerce at 357-1166. calexicochamber
CAMPBELL: Boogie on the Bayou, May 18-19, 2013. Arts and crafts, live music and Cajun food are festival highlights. Location: Downtown Address: 1628 W Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA. Phone: 378-6252 │Santa Clara County
CARMEL: Annual Art Festival, May 16-19, 2013 │Monterey County
CLEARLAKE OAKS: Catfish Derby, May 17-19, 2013. Separate divisions for adults and children; food and entertainment; a ,000 prize cash for the largest fish caught in the adult division, clearlakeoaks
BEN LOMOND Maifest. Visit Germany in the Santa Cruz Mountains, with live German music, a kids' bounce house, dancing & authentic food. Time: 3 - 10pm. Location: Tyrolean Inn, 9600 Hwy. 9 Ben Lomond 336.5188 tyroleaninn │Santa Cruz County
CAMBRIA: Cambria Garden Tour. The Original Cambria Garden Tour showcases spectacular and unique gardens. Enjoy complimentary gourmet offerings from the area's top restaurants, live performances by professional and student musicians, and local artists demonstrating their talents in each of the gardens. Ticket 5 pre, of. Starts at the nursery, 9 a.m. Phone: 927-4747, cambriagardentour │San Luis Obispo County
CAMPBELL: Community Flea Market. Time: 7 a.m.-2 p.m. space. Location: Campbell Community Center Sports Fields, 1 W. Campbell Avenue, Campbell, CA. 866-2146, cityofcampbell for application.
CASTROVILLE: Artichoke Festival, May 18-19, 2013. artichoke-festival
COULTERVILLE: Coyote Howl & Car Show. A parade, car show, great music and popular Coyote Howling Contest are the beginning of a day and evening of Gold Rush hospitality. The parade starts at 10 a.m., Howling Contest at 2:30 p.m. Shop local at vendor booths, and cozy up to the bar and saloon at Hotel Jeffery. Contact: Gail Tyler Northern Mariposa County History Center. Location: 10301 Highway 49, Coulterville, CA. (209) 878-3015, coultervillemuseum
DANA POINT: Doheny Blues Festival, May 18-19, 2013.
ENCINITAS: 5K-1K Run/Walk & Expo, May 18-19, 2013. Century Bike Tour. EncinitasRace │San Diego County
FREEPORT: Walk on the Wildside. Free outdoor festival with live animals, kids activities, tours, music, conservation booths, and more! If you'd enjoy a fun, free family-oriented day in the country with lively entertainment and up-close personal views of many wildlife species. Join Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and local partners in celebrating International Migratory Bird Day at SRCSD Bufferlands Beach Lake Preserve. Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. near the town of Freeport, California, at the Beach Lake Picnic Area.
GALT: Strawberry Festival, May 18 & 19, 2013. Time: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Veterans Field & Galt Market Grounds Chabolla & Caroline Ave. Galt, CA galtchamber
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Duck-a-thon Duck Festival May 17-19, 2013, 10 a.m. daily. Free admission. Location: Huntington Beach Pier, Huntington Beach, CA. duckathon │Orange County
HUNTINGTON PARK: Huntington Park Art Festival. Tiem: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Salt Lake Park, Huntington Park, CA. huntingtonpark │Los Angeles County
IRWINDALE: Renaissance Pleasure Faire April 6 – May 19, 2013. Saturdays & Sundays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Location: Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area, 15501 E. Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA. 969-4750, renfair
KINGSBURG: Kingsburg Swedish Festival May 17 & 18, 2013. Location: Downtown Draper Street. 897-1111
LONG BEACH: Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride Celebration, May 18-19, 2013. Time: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. longbeachpride │Los Angeles County
LOS ALTOS: Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade. Hundreds of kids and their dogs, cats, birds, chickens – and even worms, participate, as well as youth groups, marching bands and dignitaries in vintage cars. Traditionally held the Saturday following Mother's Day, this free event begins on Main Street at First Street promptly at 10:00 a.m. 988-9900, losaltoskiwanis .
MARIN: Marin Living Home Tours. Presented by AIA San Francisco and the Center for Architecture + Design, San Francisco and Marin Living: Home Tours is the first tour series of its kind in the Bay Area to promote a wide variety of architectural styles, neighborhoods, and residences all from the architect's point of view. The annual program provides design enthusiasts and the general public with an inside look into the world of distinctive residences in Marin and San Francisco. Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 5, purchase online by April 30, 2013. aiasf │Marin County
MONROVIA: Monrovia Day. Celebrate the city's 127th birthday with live entertainment, Fountain to the Falls run, and a day full of fun. oldtownmonroviaca │Los Angeles County
NEVADA CITY: Nevada City Teddy Bear Convention, May 17-18, 2013. Location: Nevada City Elks Club 518 Hwy 49N Nevada City CA 95959 Time: Fri 12AM to 4PM Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Adult . Child under 12 , Child under 5 free (2 day Admission 2) This is a great time of year to travel to this beautiful, historic town, so bring the family. Nevada City Teddy Bear Convention is loaded with fun for the whole family. See website to save : dolls4all or (775) 348-7713 Contact: Debbie Dyer or Dorothy Drake 775-348-7713 Email: info@dolls4all
OAKDALE: Oakdale Chocolate Festival, May 18-9, 2013. Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., oakdalechamber
ORANGEVALE: Pow Wow Days Festival and Parade, May 16-19, 2013. Location: Orangevale Community Park, orangevalepowwowdays
OXNARD - California Strawberry Festival, May 18-19, 2013. 30th Annual festival with live entertainment, food contests, dancing, and an arts & crafts show. Location: Strawberry Meadows of College Park, Oxnard, CA. Time: 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. strawberr-fest
PORTERVILLE: Porterville Fair May 15-19, 2013. Location: 2700 West Teapot Dome (Ave 128) in Porterville, CA
RED BLUFF: A Garden of Quilts, Quilt Show, May 18-19, 2013. Over 200 quilts displayed, vendors, boutique of crafts and supplies, demonstrations, food vendors, door prizes and drawings. The Sun Country Quilters Guild of Red Bluff's biennial quilt show features past guild president, Lois Milosch, who will be available both days with her quilts. A Community Service Booth invites visitors to design a quilt block to be sewn to help make a quilt for someone in need. Location: Tehama County Fairgrounds, 650 Antelope Blvd., Red Bluff. wristband permits 2 day entry if not removed, free parking. Spouses and age 12 & under free when accompanied by paying guest. 530-528-8838, suncountryquilters
REDDING: Redding Rodeo, May 11-18, 2013. reddingrodeo
RIVERSIDE: Vintage Home Tour and Restoration Faire. The 22nd annual event is held in May on the Saturday following Mother's Day. In addition to the opportunity to tour some of Riverside's beautiful vintage homes, the Restoration Faire features a tour of the Old Riverside Foundation's restored headquarters -- the Peter J. Weber House -- and a host of booths featuring antiques, crafts, restoration services, and salvage items for your home and garden. Time: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets 5 presale, of tour. (951) 683-2725. oldriverside
SAN CARLOS: Hometown Days Festival and Parade May 17-19, 2013 sancarloshometowndays
SAN DIEGO: Historic Garden Tour Eastern Prospects. Explores Gardens in Burlingame, North Park and South Park. Vendors in a garden marketplace on the day of the tour will offer arts and crafts. Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. pre, 5 on tour day. sdfloral
SANTA CRUZ: Lawn Bowls Rodeo. Each participant will play a series of 3 eight-end pairs games with a different partner and different opponents. A very social game! Date: Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm San Lorenzo Park, 137 Dakota Street Santa Cruz Phone: 275.0028 sclawnbowls
SANTA CRUZ: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Kickoff the Season! Enjoy special entertainment to kick off the 2013 season! Free admission. Location: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, 400 Beach Street Santa Cruz Phone: 423.5590 beachboardwalk
SANTA ROSA: Luther Burbank Rose Parade & Festival. Parade runs 10 a.m. - Noon. Surf 'N Safari is the theme of the 119th parade and festival event that celebrates local citizen Luther Burbank and his famous roses. The parade Grand Marshals are the marching Campions. The parade will start at Sonoma Avenue and E Street location and proceed north on E Street, turning left onto 4th Street and proceed west on 4th Street then south onto Mendocino Avenue where the parade will disband at 1st Street. Festival goes from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, Ca. roseparadefestival
SIMI VALLEY: 110th Anniversary Celebration, May 18 & 19, 2013. Open house, tours, Kiwanis food truck, see the trains! Specials: Saturday, 1:00 pm, Gregg Anderson will offer a presentation about the movie and television filming history of Corriganville Park. Sunday, the Model A Club will have their cars on display. Time: 12 Noon - 4 p.m. Location: Santa Susana Railroad Depot and Museum, 6503 Katherine Road, Simi Valley. 581-3462, rspd
STANTON: Stanton Spring Car Show. 5, All Cars Welcome, Proceeds benefit the Stanton Community Foundation. Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Location: 7800 Katella, Stanton, CA. 890-4270, stanton
TEMECULA: Western Days, May 18-19, 2013, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Join the cast from the Temecula Gunfighters and other Old West costumed characters as they perform humorous skits and the high noon shoot out and robbery at The Bank. The weekend also includes western exhibits, music, trick ropers, calf roping demonstrations and an ICS Regional Chili Cook-off on Sunday. Winners of the Chili Cook-off will be advancing to the World Championships. Location: Old Town Temecula, California. cityoftemecula
TORRANCE: Armed Forces Day Festival, May 17-19, 2013
TWAIN HARTE: Twain Harte A La Carte. Soroptimist International of Twain Harte's 17th annual on Time: 5- 7 p.m. in Meadow Plaza in beautiful downtown Twain Harte. This elegant event includes wine tasting and gourmet food offerings from local food purveyors, all in a quaint mountain setting. There will also be raffles, a silent auction and a live auction. Tickets are 5 and include a commemorative wine glass. All proceeds benefit local charities. Reservations: (209) 533-0889. Location: Meadow Plaza, 23000 Meadow Lane, Twain Harte, CA.
WATSONVILLE Day on the Farm! A free day of fun, including hayrides, ice cream making, butter-churning, spinning, blacksmith demos, hay baling. Free admission. Time: 10am - 3pm. Agricultural History Museum, 2601 East Lake Ave., Hwy. 152 Watsonville, CA. 724.5898 aghistoryproject
WHITMORE: The Mountain Fair. Parade starts at 10 a.m. Car Show at 10 a.m. Poker Run at 10 a.m. BBQ at 11 a.m. Live music, Greased Pole Climb, Slack Line, Waterslide, Horseshoe Tournament, Speed Axe and Knife Throwing. Dinner Starts at 5 p.m.
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