FULLERTON: Thursdays at the Downtown Plaza with Kid Ramos, band. Market goes April 3-Oct. 30, 2014. Don't forget the Museum's popular Beer and Wine Garden and live entertainment from 6:30-8:30pm.Time: 4-8:30 p.m. Entertainment from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: 121 E. Wilshire Avenue, between Harbor Boulevard and Pomona Avenue, adjacent to the Fullerton Museum Center. 738-6545, cityoffullerton
OJAI - Ojai Wordfest April 10-14, 2014. . WordFest is the new Ojai literary festival, OjaiWordFest
ORANGE: Easter Eggstravaganza, March 29-April 19, 2014. Annual event with train rides, meet the Easter Bunny, egg hunts and fun activities at Irvine Park Railroad, Orange, CA. irvineparkrailroad
SAN LUIS OBISPO: Cal Poly College Rodeo, April 10-12, 2014. Cal State Poly collegerodeo
SANTA BARBARA: Santa Barbara Vintners Spring Weekend, April 10-13, 2014. Refreshed and expanded, SB Vintners Festival Golf Tournament 12 Noon -5 p.m. at Sandpiper Golf Course 7925 Hollister Ave, 90; SB Vintners Festival Opening Dinner on Luxurious Channel Cat 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 133 Harbor Way, ; SB Vintners Festival Sta. Rita Hill AVA Dinner & Wine Pairing @ Industrial Eats 6:30-9:30 p.m., 181 Industrial Way, 75. sbvintnersweekend
THREE RIVERS: Jazz Fair, April 10-13, 2014. jazzfair.info
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