FRESNO: The Germ 08 Screening. Windsong Productions eighth installment of The Germ, a local film festival that invites amateurs and professionals alike to participate in the filmmaking process, is free admission. A no-host bar and Tako BBQ food truck will be on site to provide food and refreshments. All films for this Germ are: inspired by the 1980s, include a dance sequence, and are no more than five minutes in length. Time: 7 p.m. Location: Windsong Productions, 7676 N. Palm Ave., Suite 104, Fresno, CA. To submit a Germ of your own, visit www.thegerm
INDIO - Date Festival. Feb. 14-23, 2014. Annual Indio Date Festival includes car shows, carnivals, date foods, beauty queens, concerts and even camel races. datefest
PALM SPRINGS - Modernism Week Through Feb. 23, 2014. Modernism Week is a week-long event focusing on design and architecture events and programs in Palm Springs. Special events include Palm Springs Modernism Show at the Convention Center, House Tours; Double Decker Bus Tours and more. Location: 277 N Avenida Caballeros, Palm Springs, CA 92262. Telephone: 322-2502. modernismweek
SAN FRANCISCO: Tulipmania, Feb. 15-23, 2014. pier39
SANTA ANA: National Engineer's Week February 15-23, 2014 at Discovery Science Center (discoverycube ). Don't miss your chance to build and launch a mini parachute, experiment with a gear and magnet wall, and much more! This special week will be filled with hands-on activities with a focus on women in engineering and concluded with our 3rd Annual Egg Drop Competition.
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