BAKERSFIELD - Bakersfield Home and Garden Show Feb 21-23, 2014. Entertainment, activities and attractions include: arts, crafts, and food vendors. 655-0655, Hours Friday 12p-7p; Saturday 10a-7p; Sunday 10a-5p; Admission . Location: Kern County Fairgrounds 1142 So. P Street, Bakersfield 93307 ggshows
INDIO - Date Festival. Feb. 14-23, 2014. Annual Indio Date Festival includes car shows, carnivals, date foods, beauty queens, concerts and even camel races. datefest
NEWARK: California Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley Show, February 21-23, 2014. Hours: Fri & Sat 10-6, Sun 10-5. Newark Pavilion, 6430 Thornton Ave. mgscv. org
PALM SPRINGS - Modernism Week Through Feb. 23, 2014. Modernism Week is a week-long event focusing on design and architecture events and programs in Palm Springs. Special events include Palm Springs Modernism Show at the Convention Center, House Tours; Double Decker Bus Tours and more. Location: 277 N Avenida Caballeros, Palm Springs, CA 92262. Telephone: 322-2502. modernismweek
REDDING: The Big Adventure through April 27, 2014 at Turtle Bay Exploration Park (turtlebay ). Challenge yourself, test your mental and physical abilities and explore. Adventure Mountain, The Tunnels of Fun, Virtual Flyer, River Crossing: Bridge Out, The Main Drag and Charlie's Web are options in this learning experience best suited for ages 5-12 years old.
RIPON: Almond Blossom Festival & Parade Feb 21-23, 2014 riponchamber
SAN FRANCISCO: Tulipmania, Feb. 15-23, 2014. pier39
SANTA ANA: National Engineer's Week February 15-23, 2014 at Discovery Science Center (discoverycube ). Don't miss your chance to build and launch a mini parachute, experiment with a gear and magnet wall, and much more! This special week will be filled with hands-on activities with a focus on women in engineering and concluded with our 3rd Annual Egg Drop Competition.
SANTA BARBARA: Gem Faire, February 21-23, 2014. Over 80 exhibitors Hours: Fri. 12-6pm, Sat 10a-6p, Sun. 10a-5p. weekend pass Under age 12 Free Earl Warren Showgrounds 3400 Calle Real gemfaire
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