Summer concerts
Live at Julliard Park Santa Rosa
San Francisco Golden Gate Park
EL CENTRO: El Grito de Independencia and Taco Cook-off.
LAGUNA BEACH: Joffrey Lopez of Williams-Sonoma. Time: 1-2 p.m. . Location: Festival of the Arts, 650 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, CA. lagunafestivalofarts
McCLOUD: Lumberjack Fiesta July 25-27, 2014
OXNARD: Oxnard Salsa Festival July 26-27, 2014 Free Admission! Award-winning Salsa Festival is held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. oxnardsalsafestival .
SANTA BARBARA: California Paint Horse Summer Sizzle, July 25-27, 2014. California Paint Horse Association Summer Sizzle includes July 25 Youth / Amateur Show; July 26 -27 Judge POR. Location: Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA. californiapainthorseassoc
SANTA BARBARA: Lotusland's Once Upon a Time, signature event. Time: 4-8 p.m. Tickets, if available are 75. Reserve wines by Babcock Winery and seated dinner presented by Duo Catering in the remarkable setting of Lotusland's Main Lawn, and the world renowned auctioneer of Sotheby's West Coast operations, Andrea Fiuczynski. Auction items include a trip to Paris. For more information please contact Courtney at ctentler@lotusland or 805-969-3767 x116.
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