ANAHEIM: Orange County Greek Festival May 16-18, 2014 | Orange County
ANGELS CAMP Jumping Frog Jubilee & County Fair May 15-18, 2014 Address: 101 Frogtown Road, Angels Camp, California frogtown | Gold Country
BELDEN: Emissions Festival, May 16 - 19, 2014. A celebration of the music and the community surrounding the rich bass music culture in California. Belden, CA. Age 18+. emissionsfestival | Shasta Cascade
BERKELEY: Himalayan Fair, May 17-18, 2014 . Live Oak Park is located at 1300 Shattuck Avenue at the corner of Shattuck and Berryman, Berkeley, CA. himalayanfair | Bay Area
CAMPBELL: Boogie on the Bayou, May 17-18, 2014 . Over 200 Arts, Crafts & Business Booths, Live Entertainment, International Cuisine featuring Cajun and New Orleans style food Beer, Wine and Soda, Kiddie Korner, All American Food, Free Admission. Downtown Campbell, CA. downtowncampbell | Bay Area
CARMEL:Carmel Art Festival May 15-18, 2014. | Central Coast
CHOWCHILLA: Chowchilla-Madera County Fair, May 15-18, 2014. | Central Valley
DANA POINT: Doheny Blues Festival, May 19-20, 2018. Buddy Guy, California Honeydrops, Blues Traveler, Eric Burdon, George Thorogood and the Destroyers, more. Doheny State Beach - Dana Point, CA. $80-475, dohenybluesfestival | Orange County
DEL MAR: Crossroads of the West Gun Show, May 19-20, 2018. Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA. $18, delmarfairgrounds | San Diego County
ENCINO: Worldfest. Musical performances on Two Stages and food in the cruelty-free Food Court. Time: 10:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Woodley Park Lake Balboa, Encino, CA. worldfestevents
ESCONDIDO: Spring Street Faire. Escondido Street Faire brings live entertainment, over 500 vendors, children's rides and activities, and food from around the world to the downtown tree-lined streets of Escondido. Price: Location: Grand Avenue, between Center City Pkwy and Ivy, Escondido, CA. kennedyfaires | San Diego County
FILLMORE: Fillmore May Festival, May 17-20, 2018. Parade on Central Avenue, May 19, 2018, 10 a.m. Carnival | Kiddie Area | Music – Two Stages | Unique Foods | Games | Arts & Crafts | Beer Garden. Music and Entertainment all day. Location: Fillmore Central Park, Fillmore, CA. $1-5, | Central Coast
FRESNO: Pirate Festival, May 17-18, 2014. Roeding Park, Fresno, CA | Central Valley
FULLERTON: Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival May 19-20, 2018. Hot Rods on May 19, 2018, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. $5, | Concours d'Elegance on May 20, 2018, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $10,
GALT: Strawberry Festival, May 17-18, 2014 | Central Valley
GLEN ELLEN: Plow Day. Mules, Clydesdale, Percheron, Shire, and Belgian draft horses. Demonstrations include blacksmithing, horseshoeing, early day gas engines and real live horsepower at the Beauty Ranch, home of the famous author Jack London, who also raised English Shire draft horses. Location: Jack London Park, 2400 London Ranch Rd. $10, | North Coast
GUERNEVILLE: Russian River Women's Weekend, May 18-20, 2018. Includes the annual famous Dance Party. Buck's River Mill Dinner Theatre, Guerneville Bridge on the Plaza, other locations. Guerneville, CA. | North Coast
HAYWARD: Rowell Ranch Rodeo, May 17-18, 2014. | Bay Area
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Duck-a-thon Duck. | Orange County
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Wiener Dog Races. Come watch these short-legged but swift wieners. Admission , To race your Dachsi Must pre-register 714-898-5111. Time: 3 P.M. Location: 7561 Center Ave. Huntington Beach, CA Wienerdogstore | Orange County
IRWINDALE: The Original Pleasure Renaissance Faire, April 5 - May 18, 2014. on Saturdays & Sundays. Location: Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area, Irwindale, CA. 969-4750. renfair | Los Angeles County
JOSHUA TREE: Shakti Fest, May 11-13, 2018. Joshua Tree, CA | Desert Region
KING CITY: Salinas Valley Fair May 15-18, 2014. | Central Coast
LAYTONVILLE: Northern California Women's Herbal Festival, May 16 - 19, 2014, womensherbalsymposium | North Coast
LONG BEACH: Long Beach Pride Festival and Parade, May 19-20, 2018. Free parade watching on May 20, 2018, 9:30 a.m. Pre-show. 9:30 am Pre-Parade Show at the Parade Grandstand located on Ocean Blvd between Cherry Avenue and Junipero Avenue. The parade kicks off at 10:30 a.m. at Ocean Blvd. and Lindero Ave., traveling west on Ocean, ending at the curve on Alamitos Ave. Festival at Marina Green $20, | Los Angeles County
LOS ALTOS: Fine Art in the Park. Fine Art in the Park, May 17-18, 2014. Each year, the Los Altos Rotary Club presents Fine Art in the Park – one of the Bay Area's premier open-air art shows, featuring original, juried works by some 170 artists. Lincoln Park - Los Altos, CA. rotaryartshow | Los Altos
LOS ANGELES Bug Fair May 17-18, 2014.
OAKDALE: Oakdale Chocolate Festival May 17-18, 2014 | Central Valley
OAKLAND: Greek Festival May 16-18, 2014,Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 4700 Lincoln Ave. (510) 531-3400. Approx. adult admission. oaklandgreekfestival | Bay Area
ORANGEVALE: Pow Wow Days, May 15-18, 2014 | Gold Country
ORLAND: Glenn County Fair May 15-18, 2014 | Central Valley
OXNARD: California Strawberry Festival May, 17-18, 2014, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Strawberry Meadows of College Park 3250 South Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA strawberry-fest | Central Coast
PASO ROBLES: Paso Robles Wine Festival, May 15 - 18, 2014. The Grand Tasting takes place in Downtown City Park. pasowine | Central Coast
PENN VALLEY: Penn Valley Rodeo, May 16-18, 2014 | Gold Country
PINE MOUNTAIN: Pine Mountain Club Lilac Festival, May 17-18, 2014. Pine Mountain Club Lilac Festival Pine Mountain Village Center - Pine Mountain Club, CA | Central Valley
PINOLE: Pinole Spring Festival. Music at Fernandez Park, featuring Jun Simundo and Harvey and the Wallbangers along with Community Performances, a Pet Parade, a Pancake Breakfast, a Pinole Youth Foundation Kids Carnival, Food, Craft, & Business Vendors, and a Beer and Wine Patio. Time: 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. pinole | Bay Area
PORTERVILLE: Porterville Fair - May 14-18, 2014 portervillefair | Central Valley
RIVERSIDE: Riverside Home & Garden Show, May 16-18, 2014 Riverside Convention Center - Riverside, CA. homeshowconsultants | Inland Empire
SAN CARLOS: San Carlos Hometown Days Festival and Parade, May 16-18, 2014 sancarloshometowndays | Bay Area
SAN DIEGO: Sicilian Festival in Little Italy. Price: Free REGION: DOWNTOWN The music, dance, culture and cuisine of Sicily come to the streets of San Diego's Little Italy neighborhood as part of the Annual Sicilian Festival celebration.
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA: The Great San Juan Bautista Rib Cook-Off, May 17-18, 2014 . Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am to 5pm. Two fun-filled days in downtown on Third Street. Current participation is up to 8 teams from California, Oregon and Nevada serving over 8,000 pounds of award winning ribs prepared in secret sauces for judges and festival-goers votes. Quality crafts, fine art and live music too - all weekend long! FREE admission. Location: Downtown San Juan Bautista, CA williamsltd | Central Coast
SANTA FE SPRINGS: May 17-18, 2014. Heritage of Aloha Festival 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. hooilinafoundation | Los Angeles County
SOQUEL: Spring Dog Festival. Location: Soquel, CA. Bring your dog out to play at the 13th Annual C-DOG Spring Dog Festival at Soquel High School in S from 9am-2pm.
SUSANVILLE: Susanville Indian Rancheria Memorial Pow Wow, May 16 -18, 2014. Time: 7pm Friday Grand Entry, Lassen County Fairgrounds, 195 Russell Ave. sir-powwow or Amelia 249-7192 | Shasta Cascade
TEMECULA: Western Days, May 17 -18, 2014 | Inland Empire
TORRANCE: Armed Forces Festival, May 16-18, 2014. torranceca | Los Angeles County
WALNUT CREEK: Art on the Main Downtown, May 17-18, 2014. Walnut Creek, CA. thewalnutfestival | Bay Area
YUCAIPA: Yucaipa Iris Festival, May 16 -18, 2014. 80 outside vendors, live entertainment in the outdoor amphitheater contests, food and more. The Kids Fun Zone features bounce houses, obstacle courses, Midway Games and face painting. There's Cookie, Pie and Cupcake Baking Contests, Tablesetting Competition, Home & Garden Expo, and more. The 2014 Festival is scheduled for Friday, May 16th from 5pm-9pm, Saturday, May 17th from 9am-9pm, and Sunday May 18th from 10am-4pm at the Yucaipa Community Park, located at 34900 Oak Glen Road Yucaipa, CA. irisfest | Inland Empire
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016