LOS ANGELES: Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, October 7 -8 2015, 7:30 p.m. The unique show features meticulously chosen excerpts including works by Benjamin Millepied, Wen Wei Wang, Cayetano Soto, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Barak Marshall. Tickets for the 75-minute performance are for premium seating, for regular seating, and 0 for students. A no host bar will be available. This hybrid dance company whimsically infuses classical ballet with a host of interloping modern styles. Location: Theater Raymond Kabbaz, 10361 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. theatreraymondkabbaz
SACRAMENTO: Sac Comedy Festival Oct. 2-10
SAN FRANCISCO: Fleet Week Oct. 5-12 fleetweeksf
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