2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
BEAR VALLEY: Bear Valley Music Festival July 22-August 7, 2016 bearvalleymusicfestival
BIG BEAR CITY: Big Bear City Renaissance Faire August 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 2016
CHULA VISTA: Lemon Festival. Time: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free admission. Third Avenue from E Street to Roosevelt Chula Vista, CA thirdavenuevillage
COSTA MESA: Orange County Fair ocfairFELTON: Day Out with Thomas July 29 - 31, August 5 - 7, 2016. Roaring Camp Railroads Felton, California
LA HABRA: La Habra Corn Festival, August 5-7, 2016
LIVERMORE: Taste of Downtown August 7, 2016, Noon -5 p.m. Tasting passes sold at event. livermoredowntown | taste events
LONG BEACH: Long Beach Crawfish Festival August 5-7, 2016 longbeachcrawfishfestival 3-up | crawfish fests
MANHATTAN BEACH: Sand Castle Festival August 7, 2016, Location: 100 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach, Ca. surffestival
MANHATTAN BEACH: International Surf Festival August 4-7, 2016, surffestival
MONTEREY: Monterey Scottish Festival August 6-7 at the Fairgrounds. admission.
NEWARK: Kin-Yoobi Con, August 7, Newark Pavilion, iie540.wix /kinyoobicon2016, 2-up | anime festivals
NEWPORT BEACH: Lobster Festival August 7, 2016, 3-8 p.m. 101 N. Bayside Dr. Newport Beach, CA lobsterfestatnewportbeach
NORTH FORK: Mono Museum Indian Day Fair & Pow Wow August 6-7, 2016. Recreation Center North Fork Sierra Mono Museum Indian Fair Days & Pow Wow. Held the first week of August at the recreation center in North Fork, CA. sierramonomuseum | pow wows
ROSS: Robin Hood, play. Through August 14, 2016 Filled with action and comedy for all ages. Location: Ross Valley Players, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Ross, CA. General admission 1.01, rossvalleyplayers
SACRAMENTO: Festa Italiana August 6-7, 2016 festaitalianasacramento | Italian fests
SAN CLEMENTE: Village Art Fair. Time: 9 a.m. 60 vendors. Location: Avenida del Mar, San Clemente, CA. villagesanclemente
SAN DIEGO: Latin American Festival and Marta Ortiz Pottery Market, August 5-7, 2016. Bazaar del Mundo's annual Latin American Festival and Mata Ortiz Pottery Show includes folk art, food, entertainment and San Diego's largest collection of authentic Mata Ortiz pottery. Time: Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. bazaardelmundo
SAN FRANCISCO: Nihonmachi Asian Street Fair August 6 - 7, 2016. Nihonmachi Street Fair features Asian artisans, performers, food, a muscle-car show and a children's area. Location: Japantown. nihonmachistreetfair
SAN JOSE: San Jose Renaissance Faire August 6-7, 2016. 10:00am - 6:00pm sat / 5:00pm sun Guadalupe River Park, San Jose, CA Admission: 8 for adults * 3 for seniors 62+, military, ages 13-17 * for children 6-12 * Under 6 FREE Parking - @ Guadalupe River Green, San Jose, CA
SAN MATEO: San Francisco Bay Area Aloha Festival August 6-7, 2016 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
pica-org /alohafest
San Mateo County Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403 | Polynesian
SANTA BARBARA: Old Spanish Days Fiesta Aug.3-7, 2016 oldspanishdays-fiesta Santa Barbara is one of the most authentic and historic tourist destinations maintaining its Spanish roots from the Mission Days. Reflected in an annual celebration, Old Spanish Days Fiesta held annually in the summer.
SOUTH BAY/LA: International Surf Bay Surf Festival August 4-7, 2016
VENICE: Venice Beach Festival of Chariots
WATSONVILLE August 6-7, 2016
cityofwatsonville Located in historic downtown Watsonville around the City Plaza on Main, Peck and Union Streets, Watsonville Strawberry Festival includes foods, vendor booths, bands, and several blocks of fantastic entertainment.
WEST HOLLYWOOD: West Hollywood Summer Sounds
WOODLAND HILLS: Woodland Hills Concerts on the Green
YORBA LINDA: Yorba Linda Concerts in the Park
YUCAIPA: Yucaipa Concerts Yucaipa
AGOURA HILLS: Agoura Hills Concerts Music in the Park
ALISO VIEJO: Aliso Viejo Community Associate Concerts
BURBANK: Burbank Summer Concerts at Starlight Bowl
CALABASAS: Calabasas Concerts in the Park
COLTON: Colton Concerts in Fleming Park
CORONADO: Coronado Promenade Concerts
DANA POINT: Dana Point Summer Sundays Concerts
EL SEGUNDO: El Segundo Summer Concert Series
ENCINITAS: Concerts by the Sea in Encinitas
GLENDORA: Glendora Summer Concerts in the Park
GROVER BEACH: Grover Beach Summer Concerts
HERMOSA BEACH: Hermosa Beach Sunset Beach Concerts
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Huntington Beach Concerts
LA VERNE: La Verne Summer Concerts in the Park
LA CANADA-FLINTRIDGE: La Canada-Flintridge Summer Concerts
LOS GATOS: Los Gatos Jazz on the Plazz
MANHATTAN BEACH: Manhattan Beach Concerts in the Park
MILL VALLEY: Mill Valley Summer Concerts on the Plaza
MONROVIA: Monrovia Concerts at Library Park Concerts
PASADENA: Pasadena Summer Concerts
PLEASANT HILL: Pleasant Hill Summer Concerts Series
POWAY: Poway Concerts in the Park
RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA: Rancho Santa Margarita Summer Concerts Series
SAN DIEGO: San Diego Concerts
SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco Concerts Golden Gate Park
SAN RAMON: San Ramon Summer Concerts in Central Park
SAN RAMON: San Ramon Music in the Park
SANTA MARIA: Free Santa Maria Concerts in the Park
SANTA ROSA: Live at Julliard Park Santa Rosa
SIERRA MADRE: Sierra Madre Summer Concerts in Memorial Park
SOUTH PASADENA: South Pasadena Summer Concerts
VENTURA: Ventura Harbor Village Concerts