2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
BAKERSFIELD: Holiday Lights at CALM. Lightasmic features animated zoo-themed holiday designs in a special light display delighting all ages. Location: 10500 Alfred Harrell Highway, Bakersfield, CA. 3.50 approx. calmzoo
IRVINE: Nutcracker Ballet with Festival Ballet Theatre December 10-24, 2016. 0-55 approx. Irvine Barclay Theatre 4242 Campus Drive Irvine, CA thebarclay
LONG BEACH: CHILL - at Queen Mary. Alice in Winterland interactive holiday lights adventure, ice tubing, ice skating, cocktail bars, food vendors, gift shop, and Polar Express 4-D show in free ship admission. Time: 12-5 p.m. queenmary
LOS ANGELES: Zoo Lights November 18 - January 8, 2016, 6-10 p.m. LA Zoo 5333 Zoo Drive Los Angeles, CA lazoo
REDONDO BEACH: Los Angeles Ballet The Nutcracker. Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center December 22-24, 2016 1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Redondo Beach, CA losangelesballet
SAN FRANCISCO: Beach Blanket Babylon's Seasonal Extravaganza, through December 31, 2016, Time: 2 p.m. Location: Club Fugazi, 678 Green St., San Francisco, CA. beachblanketbabylon
SAN FRANCISCO: Kung Pao Kosher Christmas. Spend your holiday laughing among friends at this annual Jewish comedy celebration in a Chinese restaurant on Christmas. New Asia Restaurant 772 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, CA 9-69 approx. koshercomedy 743-1282 2016 comedians: Elayne Boosler, Eddie Sarfaty, Alex Edelman and Lisa Geduldig