2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
BAKERSFIELD: Kwanzaa Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center 1000 So. Owens St. Co- Sponsored by: Celebrating, Building, and Strengthening Our Family, Community, and Cultural Bonds FREE You are cordially invited to an enriching afternoon full of expressions of heritage and culture. Drum and Dance ensembles, African art and more. bakersfieldparks.us
BAKERSFIELD: Holiday Lights at CALM. Lightasmic features animated zoo-themed holiday designs in a special light display delighting all ages. Location: 10500 Alfred Harrell Highway, Bakersfield, CA. 3.50 approx. calmzoo
FRESNO: Chaffee Zoo Lights November 25-December 30, 2016, 5-8 p.m. Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 West Belmont Avenue, Fresno, California fresnochaffeezoo
Fresno Hmong New Year's December 26, 2016 - January 1, 2017. Fresno County Fairgrounds,
1121 S Chance Ave
Fresno, CA.
4 admission
LONG BEACH: CHILL - at Queen Mary. Alice in Winterland interactive holiday lights adventure, ice tubing, ice skating, cocktail bars, food vendors, gift shop, and Polar Express 4-D show in free ship admission. Time: 12-10 p.m. queenmary
LOS ANGELES: Zoo Lights November 18 - January 8, 2016, 6-10 p.m. LA Zoo 5333 Zoo Drive Los Angeles, CA lazoo
SAN FRANCISCO: Zoo Lights December 16-30, 2016, 5-8 p.m. event excludes Dec.24 & 25. Location: San Francisco Zoo 3939 W. Land Park Drive Sacramento, CA sfzoo Santa is sending Belle, Holly, Peppermint, and Velvet to spread holiday cheer
SAN FRANCISCO: Beach Blanket Babylon's Seasonal Extravaganza, through December 31, 2016, Time: 5 & 8 p.m. Location: Club Fugazi, 678 Green St., San Francisco, CA. beachblanketbabylon