2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
ALAMEDA: Alameda Park Street Art and Wine Fest July 30-31, 2016, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Art, Crafts, Food, Beer, Wine and Mimosas, 2 Music Stages Kids' Area, Bounce House, Petting Zoo Downtown, Alameda, CA downtownalameda
BENICIA: Waterfront Festival, July 30-31, 2016 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. First Street Green First & B Streets Benicia, CA
BERKELEY: Spark 2.0 Festival. Berkeley Spark is a free, community-based arts and technology festival where people can create, collaborate and connect. Burning Man-esque clothing designers, hand-crafters jewelers, and more. Location: Downtown Berkeley Martin Luther King Jr. Way (Center St. & Allston Way) Berkeley, CA. downtownberkeley
BOONVILLE: Not So Simple Living Festival, July 29-31, 2016 Mendocino County Fairgrounds notsosimple.info
CAMARILLO: Wine Auction & A Taste of Camarillo, July 30-31, 2016 at Camarillo Ranch House, 5-180 per event. meadowlarkserviceleague
CISCO GROVE: Guitarfish Music Festival #6 July 28-31, 2016
Cisco Grove Campground
Cisco Grove, CA
COURTLAND: Pear Fair July 31, 2016 Celebrating Courtland as the "Bartlett Pear Capital of the World" with live music, Wines of the Delta Parade, fun run, children's area, classic car show, beer & wine garden and a variety of pear related foods. Courtland, Calif.
CUPERTINO: Winter's Tale, Shakespeare in the Park. Cupertino: Memorial Park Amphitheater (Stevens Creek Blvd & Mary Ave). July 23-August 7, 2016. 7:30 p.m. sfshakes
ELK GROVE: Strauss Festival July 28-31, 2016
Welcome to the Strauss Festival of Elk Grove, Inc. A live orchestra and colorfully costumed waltz and polka dancers in an outdoor classical event entire families enjoy is, as always, free to the public. straussfestival
FELTON: Day Out with Thomas July 29 - 31, August 5 - 7, 2016. Roaring Camp Railroads Felton, California
FONTANA: Hard Summer Music Festival July 30-31, 2016 at Auto Club Speedway hardsummer
GILROY: Gilroy Garlic Festival July 29-31, 2016. gilroygarlicfestival
HUNTINGTON BEACH: US Open of Surfing through July 31, 2016
JUNE LAKE: June Lake Loop Mountain Music Festival July 29-31, 2016. junelakemusic
GILROY: Gilroy Garlic Festival July 29-31, 2016
Over two tons of fresh garlic, three stages of musical entertainment, arts and crafts, garlic cook-off and celebrity chef demos, kids area
LONG BEACH: Dragon Boat Fest July 30-31, 2016, lbdragonboat
LONG BEACH: Brazilian Nites. Festival of music and dance at the Queen Mary ship features The Brazilian percussion collective - Grammy Nomiated MONOBLOCO! Plus local top Brazilian bands, authentic food, arts and crafts ans scintillating Samba Dancers! Marcos Mariano Silva & Prakantar Band, Marauak Mário &Raggabond, Daniel Carneiro & his Samba Drumers, DJ Junior, DJ Potira, Capoeira BodySport and Ana Massette & the elite Samba Angels Dancers. Time: 4 p.m. Tickets 5 approx. queenmary
MAMMOTH LAKES: Villagefest, July 29-31, 2016
NAPA: Porchfest is Sunday, July 31, 2016 from Noon – 6:00 pm!
OXNARD: Annual Oxnard Salsa Festival July 30-31, 2016, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Plaza Park, Fifth and B Streets, Downtown Oxnard. Phone: 247-0197, oxnardsalsafestival
PACIFIC GROVE: Feast of Lanterns July 27-31, 2016
The Pacific Grove Feast of Lanterns is a community celebration. This event in Pacific Grove includes a lantern pageant, children's activities and a pet parade.
PLYMOUTH: Amador County Fair July 28-31, 2016
POMONA: Pomona Great Train Expo July 30-31, 2016. This is a national, traveling show that caters to the model railroad enthusiast. The show features 200-500 tables. Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. -10 approx. Location: Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Ave. Pomona, CA. fairplex | Region: Los Angeles County
McCloud Lumberjack Fiesta July 29-31,
Dance contest after the Lil Miss Fiesta and
Lil Logger competition, Harold Benedict
memorial horseshoe tournament & more. The
parade starts at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
MOSS LANDING: Annual Street Festival July 31, 2016, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. , mosslandingchamber
NAPA: Porch Festival Noon - 6 p.m. napaporchfest
REDDING: Redding Bridal Show. northstatebride
SAN DIEGO: Love American Style Wedding Party Expo Sunday, July 31, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. McMillin Companies Event Center 2875 Dewey Road, San Diego | sandiegoweddingparty
SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K Run The Embarcadero thesfmarathon
SAN FRANCISCO: Up Your Alley Fair July 31, 2016
Dore Alley between Folsom and
Howard and adjoining block of Folsom between
Ninth and 10th streets, 415-777-3247 folsomstreetevents
SAN FRANCISCO: Kink Fest July 31, 2016, 11 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. folsomstreetevents
On Dore Alley between Howard and Folsom, continuing on Folsom from 9th to
Juniper and the adjoining block of 10th St. Billed as not for the faint of heart,” Up Your Alley has vendors and 15,000
leather and fetish enthusiasts on the blocks near Dore Street & Folsom
SAN FRANCISCO: Japan Film Festival July 23 - 31, 2016
SANTA CRUZ: Cabrillo Music Festival July 31-August 13, 2016 cabrillomusic
SOLANA BEACH: Triathlon and Duathlon Sunday, July 31, 6:45 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Fletcher Cove
Lomas Santa Fe Drive
San Diego, 92075
0 - 10 | active
TRINIDAD: Blackberry Festival July 31, 2016. Join neighbors and friends at the Annual Westhaven Blackberry Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Westhaven Fire Hall on Sixth Avenue. Sales of fresh blackberry pies, jams, barbecued hamburgers and beverages benefit the Westhaven Volunteer Fire Department. There will be music, booths and goodwill in abundance. No pets. Location: 446 6th Ave Westhaven Fire Dept. Trinidad, CA
WEST LOS ANGELES: Obon Festival July 30-31, 2016
2003 Corinth Ave. westlosangelesbuddhisttemple
YUCAIPA: Yucaipa Concerts
YORBA LINDA: Yorba Linda Concerts in the Park
WOODLAND HILLS: Woodland Hills Concerts on the Green
VENTURA: Ventura Harbor Village Concerts
UKIAH: Ukiah Sunday Concerts in the Park
SIERRA MADRE: Sierra Madre Summer Concerts in Memorial Park
SANTA ROSA: Live at Julliard Park Santa Rosa
SANTA MARIA: Free Santa Maria Concerts in the Park
SAN RAMON: San Ramon Music in the Park
SAN RAMON: San Ramon Summer Concerts in Central Park
SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco Concerts Golden Gate Park
SAN DIEGO: San Diego Concerts
RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA: Rancho Santa Margarita Summer Concerts Series
POWAY: Poway Concerts in the Park
PASADENA: Pasadena Summer Concerts
NEWPORT BEACH: Newport Beach Concerts
MONROVIA: Monrovia Concerts at Library Park Concerts
MANHATTAN BEACH: Manhattan Beach Concerts in the Park
LOS GATOS: Los Gatos Jazz on the Plazz
LA CANADA-FLINTRIDGE: La Canada-Flintridge Summer Concerts
IRVINE: Irvine Sizzling Summer Concerts
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Huntington Beach Concerts
GROVER BEACH: Grover Beach Summer Concerts
GLENDORA: Glendora Summer Concerts in the Park
DANA POINT: Dana Point Summer Sundays Concerts
CORONADO: Coronado Promenade Concerts
COLTON: Colton Concerts in Fleming Park
BURLINGAME: Burlingame Concerts Music in the Park