BELDEN TOWN: Emissions Festival May 13-16, 2016
14785 Belden Town Rd. Belden Town, CA 95915 | music
BREA: Brea Bonanza Days - Country Music Festival May 13-15, 2016
Brea Blvd. & Birch Street. | music
CALEXICO:Mariachi Festival Sin Fronteras May 9-14, 2016. Calexico Chamber of Commerce Saturday CONCERT at CRUMMETT PARK. Gates Open at 5 p.m.Fiesta Popular mariachifestival.wix /vivacalexico
CARMEL: Carmel Art Festival May 13-15, 2016
HUNTINGTON BEACH: Duckathon May 13-15, 2016. Location: Huntington Beach Pier, Pacific Coast Highway & Main St., Huntington City Beach, CA
JOSHUA TREE: Joshua Tree Music Festival, May 12-15, 2016. joshuatreemusicfestival
LOS ANGELES: Bassrush Uprising, 6 p.m. Bassrush and Insomniac at The Hollywood Palladium | music
NEWPORT BEACH BOAT SHOW May 12-15, 2016 newportinwaterboatshow | boats
Lido Marina Village Newport Beach, CA Hours : Noon - 7pm : 10am - 7pm : 10am - 7pm : 10am - 5pm Admission 5, free age 12 and under, Includes access to Free Offsite Parking and Shuttle
SAN LUIS OBISPO: The International Chardonnay Symposium May 12-14, 2016
An International Gathering of Good Taste WHAT: The 2016 International Chardonnay Symposium line-up features a grand tasting, educational seminars and panel sessions, winemaker dinners and plenty of opportunities to talk Chardonnay with industry leaders and fellow enthusiasts.
SANTA CRUZ - Santa Cruz Greek Festival May 13-15, 2016
THOUSAND OAKS: Conejo Valley Days, May 11-15, 2016.
Conejo Creek Park South
23 Freeway/Janss Rd. exit
Thousand Oaks, CA
Entertainment includes a western saloon, outhouse races, kids, teens and the whole family including carnival rides, games, live entertainment, and a food court. for kids and free for kids 5 and under.
YUCAIPA: Yucaipa's Music & Arts Festival Time: Friday, May
13-15, 2016
Location: Use 35139 Yucaipa Blvd Yucaipa Ca 92399 f The event takes several blocks on Yucaipa Blvd.
Friday 6-10 pm
Saturday 12-10 pm
Sunday 12-7 pm
WHISKEYTOWN: Whiskeytown BioBlitz and Biodiversity Festival May 13,
2016, 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016