LOS ANGELES: DIA DE LOS MUERTOS Tuesday & Wednesday, November 1-2, 2016 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Colorful, ancient Mexican ceremony in remembrance of departed loved ones with beautifully decorated altars, art exhibits and entertainment. Pre-Columbian Novenario procession and blessings each night at 7 p.m. beginning Tuesday, October 25th through Wednesday, November 2nd. elpueblo.lacity /SightsSounds/Events/index.html
SALINAS: Oct. 28- November 1, 2016, free National Steinbeck Center, 10am-5pm Dia de los Muertos Exhibit opens: Curated by Jose Ortiz, founder of Hijos del Sol, the exhibit touches on themes and images of the holiday. steinbeck
YUBA CITY Sikh Festival October 30-November 1,
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