November 21, 2016 Events Calendar

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21 | November 21

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CERRITOS: Holiday Lighting Ceremony & Santa Arrival November 21, 2016, 5-7 p.m.

Tree Lighting is at 6 p.m.

Cerritos Civic Center

18125 Bloomfield Ave

Cerritos, CA



SANTA CLARITA / NEWHALL: Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony November 21, 2016, 6-7 p.m.

Veterans Historical Plaza

24275 N Walnut St

Newhall, California


FOLSOM: Folsom Historic District Ice Rink 1-15 approx.

historicfolsom | folsomicerink

IRVINE: Irvine OC Chill Ice Rink at Irvine Spectrum Center
Giant Wheel Court 71 Fortune Drive Irvine, CA 92618
Daily, closed Thanksgiving and Christmas approx.

LOS ANGELES: Downtown On Ice  November 10, 2016 - January 16, 2017 Pershing Square 532 South Olive St, Los Angeles, CA holidayicerinkdowntownla

PARADISE ICE RINK November 11, 2016 - January 8, 2017

6626 Skyway Open Daily paradiseprpd /IceRink.html 2 approx.

SACRAMENTO Downtown Sacramento Holiday Ice Rink November 4, 2016 - January 16, 2017 St. Rose of Lima Park - Downtown 7th & K Street Sacramento, CA Rain may cancel, 442-556 godowntownsac

SAN FRANCISCO: Holiday Ice Rink at Embarcadero Center November 2, 2016 - January 8, 2017 Justin Herman Plaza adjacent to Four Embarcadero Center, and across from Ferry Building embarcaderocenter

SAN FRANCISCO: Union Square Ice Rink November 2, 2016 - January 16, 2017 Union Square Geary & Powell San Francisco, CA unionsquareicerink

SAN MATEO: Holiday on Ice November 11, 2016 - January 16, 2017 Fitzgerald Field Central Park 5th & El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA onicerinks

SAN RAFAEL: Marin On Ice. Marin County's only real ice skating rink is back for a 4th season! Open daily (including holidays) Oaktree Plaza at North Gate Mall San Rafael, CA onicerinks

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