RAMONA performed outdoors at Ramona Bowl in Hemet, Calif.
ANDERSON: Quilter's Sew-Ciety Quilt Show April 20-22, 2018
Shasta District Fair & Event Center
1890 Briggs St.
ARCATA: Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival April 18-24, 2018. godwitdays.org | birding
BOONVILLE: 95th Annual Spring Wildflower Show shares the stage with the 4th Annual Goat Festival. Over 300 flowers, grasses and tree branches gathered, identified and displayed at the Boonville Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday. Plant sale and plant talks by naturalists. Boonville Fairgrounds, 14400 CA-128, mendocountyfair.com
CAMBRIA: California Sculptors Symposium April 22-29, 2018. Instructors, workshops. californiasculptorssymposium.org
CHULA VISTA: South Bay Spring Arts Festival April 21-22, 2018, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Chula Vista Marina Park, 550 Marina Parkway, Chula Vista, California 91910. chulavistaca.gov
CLAREMONT: Heart of the Foothills cicLAvia | open streets
CORONADO: Coronado Flower, April 21-22, 2018. Annual show. This is the largest flower show held under tents in the nation. Exhibits are placed inside tents surrounding a central gazebo, which becomes the stage for continuous entertainment, announcements and trophy presentations. There's also a beer garden. Location: Spreckels Park 600 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA. $5 pay at door, coronadoflowershow.org
DEL MAR: Del Mar Antique Show & Sale April 20-22, 2018. Featuring 55,000 square feet of quality vintage antique & collectibles dealers. Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA $8-10 admission, $14 parking. calendarshows.com | delmarfairgrounds.com
DEL MAR: La Jolla Half Marathon. Starts 7 a.m. Picturesque race begins at the Del Mar Fairgrounds with a scenic coastal route before reaching the challenging climb to the summit of Torrey Pines State Park. inmotionevents.com
DEL MAR: Del Mar Spring Home Decorating & Remodeling Show. Flooring, lighting, gardening, bath remodels and more. April 20-22, 2018. $14 parking, free admission. Opens 10 a.m. daily. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, delmarfairgrounds.com
EL DORADO: El Dorado Wine Adventures Passport April 21-22, 2018 and April 28-29, 2018. Annual touring and tasting event showcases the award winning wines and unique and charming tasting rooms at foothill vineyards with their stunning views. Your Passport includes commemorative wine glass and access to over 20 participating wineries. $46-96 approx. eldoradowines.org
FAIRFIELD: Total Home & Garden Show April 20-22, 2018 300 Chadbourne Rd. $8, totalhomeandgardenshow.com | home shows
FRESNO: Fresno State Vintage Days Craft Faire April 20-22, 2018. Marketplace for over 100 exhibitors specializing in handmade items including jewelry, toys, home decor, and more. Fresno State Campus, Fresno fresnostate.edu/craftsfaire/
FRESNO: Fresno State Vintage Days Craft Faire April 20-22, 2018. Marketplace for over 100 exhibitors specializing in handmade items including jewelry, toys, home decor, and more. Fresno State Campus, Fresno, CA fresnostate.edu/craftsfaire/
FULLERTON: Green Scene & Garden Expo April 21-22, 2018, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The largest outdoor garden expo in Southern California. Fullerton Arboretum on the campus of California State University Fullerton 1900 Associated Road Fullerton, Calif., $8 per person, children under 12 receive free admission fullertonarboretum.org
GARDEN GROVE: Bridal Showplace Bridal Shows, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Garden Grove, CA bridalshowplace.net
April 21-22, 2018, 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Location: 27400 Ramona Bowl Rd.
Hemet, CA. Cost: $20-47, ramonabowl.com | Additional dates:
April 28-29, 2018 and May 5-6, 2018
HOLLYWOOD: Hollywood Comedy Shorts April 19-22, 2018
TCL Chinese 6 Theatre
INDIO: Coachella Music Festival April 13-15, 2018 and April 20-22, 2018, Empire Polo Club 81-800 Avenue 51 Indio, CA coachella.com
LAGUNA BEACH: West Street Beach Spring Break, an annual gay beach party. 11 a.m. 1 Carmel Point Dr. Laguna Beach, CA facebook.com/WestStreetBeach
LANCASTER: California Poppy Festival April 21-22, 2018. $tickets
LOMPOC: SpringFest April 20-22, 2018 Presented by Lompoc Valley Festival Association in Ryon Park, Lompoc. Car & Motorcycle shows, BBQ showdown, vendors, entertainment. Free admission.
LONG BEACH: Congressional Cup April 17-22, 2018. Spectators free, Belmont Pier viewing. thecongressionalcup.com
LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 21-22, 2018, USC Campus Free admission events.latimes.com/ festivalofbooks/usc.edu Author readings, book signings, seminars, sales, book fair, food trucks, musical entertainment and more | books
MARIPOSA: Las Mariposas Civil War Days April 21-22, 2018
Yaqui Gulch Road
Mariposa, CA mariposacivilwardays.com
$7 admission approx. |
MENLO PARK: Menlo Park Sidewalk Fine Arts Festival April 20-22, 2018. Santa Cruz Avenue at El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA. pacificfinearts.com
MONTEREY: Home & Garden Expo of Monterey April 21-22, 2018 Monterey County Fairgrounds, 2004 Fairgrounds Rd. Free admission, inspiredexpos.com
MONTEREY PARK: Cherry Blossom Festival April 21-22, 2018. Includes Earth Day Festival and Bike Rides on Saturday. Barnes Park, Monterey Park, CA Free, montereypark.ca.gov
NORCO: Norco Horseweek April 20-29, 2018. Ranch Rodeo.George Ingalls Equestrian Center 3737 Crestview Dr. Norco, CA norcohorseweek.com | rodeo
PACIFIC GROVE: Great Taste of PG April 22, 2018, 4-7 p.m. $75-85, supportpgpride.com Inn at Spanish Bay, 2700 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach
PASADENA: Concorso Ferrari, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Ferrari Club of America - Southwest Region (FCA-SW) Colorado Blvd. at Fair Oaks Pasadena, CA fca-sw.org Free
PISMO BEACH: Taste of Pismo April 21-22, 2018, 1-4 p.m. $65 Apr.21 | Free Apr. 22. tasteofpismo.com at Dinosaur Caves, sponsored by Pismo Beach Chamber
RED BLUFF: Red Bluff Round-Up April 20-22, 2018. Chili Cook-Off, live entertainment, pony rides, a kiddie parade, a car show, and food & souvenir booths. redbluffroundup.com | rodeo
RICHMOND: Strictly Sail Pacific April 19-22, 2018. Craneway Pavilion & Marina Bay Yacht Harbor $16-50 (seminars additional cost), pacificboatshow.com This is billed as the West Coast's largest "All Sailboats" show! | boats
SACRAMENTO: Sacramento International Film Festival April 21-29, 2018. Produced under the umbrella of the California Film Foundation. sacramentofilmfestival.com
SALINAS: Sea Otter Classic Cycling Festival April 19-22, 2018 at Laguna Seca Recreation Area, Salinas, CA. Location: 1021 Monterey-Salinas Highway Salinas, CA. Spectator $15-up seaotterclassic.com
SAN DIEGO: SDAFF Spring Showcase April 19-26, 2018. Pac Arts presents the, a week-long mini-festival to whet your appetite for box office hits, independent gems, documentary portraits, and other special presentations. pacarts.org
Northern Cal Cherry Blossom Festival
April 21-22, 2018. sfcherryblossom.org
51st Annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival Each year,
over 220,000 people attend this dazzling display showcasing the color
and grace of the Japanese culture and the diversity of the Japanese
American Community. The festival is within the borders of Laguna and Fillmore Streets between Geary Boulevard and Bush Street.
Food booths, cultural performances, martial arts, live bands, the annual Queen Program, and more. The Grand Parade
is Sunday, April 22, beginning at 1pm starting from City Hall and concluding in Japantown.
SAN FRANCISCO: Earth Day Film Festival April 20-22, 2018 earthdayfilmfest.org
JOSE: California Home & Garden Show April 20-22, 2018
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
344 Tully Road
Free admission & parking, worldclassshows.com
SANTA BARBARA: Earth Day Festival Santa Barbara April 21-22, 2018, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. | 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Held annually for more than 40 years. Alameda Park Santa Barbara, CA sbearthday.org Free
SANTA CLARA: Levi's Stadium Wedding Fair Sunday, April 22, 2018, 12-4 p.m. 4900 Marie P. Bartolo Way, Santa Clara, CA. $20-30, bayareaweddingfairs.com
SANTA CLARITA: Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival April 19-22, 2018. Festival at William S. Hart Park and other venues for concerts and tours. Santa Clarita, CA
SANTA CRUZ: Santa Cruz Dance Week April 19-28, 2018. Dancing in the Streets, Dancing in Unlikely Places, Open Classes and more. scdanceweek.com | dance
SEBASTOPOL: Apple Blossom Festival includes lots of apple foods, vendor sales and musical entertainment. Ives Park/Sebastopol Veterans Memorial Bldg, 282 High Street, Sebastopol Tickets: $10-20. Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. appleblossomfest.com
Asparagus Festival April
20-22. 2018. San Joaquin Asparagus Festival location: San Joaquin County Fairgrounds
1658 S. Airport Way
Stockton, CA 95202
THOUSAND OAKS: Scandinavian Festival April 21-22, 2018. EVENT, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cal Lutheran Campus 60 W. Olsen Rd. Thousand Oaks, Calif. callutheran.edu Admission: $10, public invited.
TULARE: California Antique Farm Equipment Show April 20-22, 2018. Location: International Agri Center, Tulare, CA
UPLAND: Upland Heritage Vintage Home Tour April 22, 2018, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $20-25, uplandheritage.org City of Upland Vintage Home Tour is self-guided and guests will drive to each home using provided maps and addresses. | homes
VALLEY CENTER: Heartbeat Classics Car Show, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Pre 1976. This year also include the Big Rig Tractors, no
trailers. Location: Bates Nut Farm, 15954 Woods Valley Rd., Valley
Center, CA. theheartbeatclassics.com
VISALIA: Tulare County Renaissance Fair April 21-22, 2018 | renfaires
WALNUT CREEK: Spring Contra Costa Cry Fair April 21-22, 2018. Crystals, minerals, beads, gems, jewelry and metaphysical healing tools. Get a massage, have your aura read, and a psychic reading. Location: Civic Park Community Center 1375 Civic Drive at Broadway Walnut Creek. Saturday 10am - 6pm | Sunday 10am - 4pm $12 for the weekend (12 and under free) crystalfair.com
WESTLAKE VILLAGE: Rotary Annual Street Fair. Westlake Village Rotary Street Fair. rotarywlv.org
YUBA CITY: California State Square Dance Convention Festival April 20-22, 2018 Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds castate2018.org
2017 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
Events are deemed reliable but are subject to change. Please confirm before going.