LOS ANGELES: Israel Film Festival November 6-20, 2018 Screenings of over 40 narrative films, documentaries, and television series, as well as short films, at the Ahrya Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills and the Laemmle Town Center 5 Theatre in Encino. IsraelFilmFestival.com
MANHATTAN BEACH: Pier Lighting, 6-9 p.m. at Downtown Manhattan Beach's Open House and Manhattan Beach Pier Lighting. Cost: Free, citymb.infoSAN DIEGO: SDAFF Asian Film Festival November 8-17, 2018. Pac Arts presents the, a week-long mini-festival featuring box office hits, independent gems, documentary portraits, and other special presentations. pacarts.org
SAN FRANCISCO: Beach Blanket Babylon Holiday Extravaganza November 14 - December 31, 2018 Club Fugazi 678 Green St. San Francisco, CA (415) 421-4222 beachblanketbabylon.com $30-130, age age 21+
Taste of Solvang Farmers Market Dinner featuring in-season ingredients grown and raised by
local farmers and prepared by local Chef David Cecchini of Cecco Restaurant and
Fresco Valley Cafe. solvangusa.com
STUDIO CITY: Studio City International Film Festival November
9-15, 2018.
Studio City International Film Festival takes place near CBS Studios and a few miles away from Universal Studios and Warner Bros.
studiocityfest.com |
2017 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.