California Events


Friday, September 7, 2018

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ALAMEDA: Alameda Tennis Tournament September 7-9, 2018. Location: Fairfield Tennis Courts, 740 Central Ave. Open to 14 years-up. $25-60 registration,

AUBURN: Gold Country Fair California Nights and Country Lights, September 6-9, 2018. Thursday 4 p.m. -11 p.m. , Friday 4 p.m. -Midnight, Saturday 10 a.m.-Midnight Sunday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. $4-up, 

BANNING: Stagecoach Days September 7-9, 2018 | Parade September 8, 2018 Grand Canyon Rodeo The Stagecoach Days Association is bringing back Friday and Saturday Grand Canyon Rodeo. Carnival presented by Christianson Amusements, live entertainment on Friday & Saturday evening. Location: A.C. Dysart Park, 2107 W. Victory

BARSTOW: Marine Base Extreme Rodeo September 7-8, 2018

BURBANK: Burbank International Film Festival September 5-9, 2018 AMC 16 Theaters 125 E. Palm Ave.

CLEAR LAKE: Seaplane Splash In September 7-8, 2018. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

CORONADO: Beach Polo Cup  September 7-9, 2018 Tickets start at $100, Polo America event features white sands and blue skies, to the backdrop to 50 horses competing  on Hotel del Coronado's private beach. The 2018 polo player roster features players from the United States, Argentina, Mexico and Switzerland. Fashion modeling, boutiques, the Porsche Million Dollar Road Rally (around San Diego) and much more.
On Sunday hats take center stage as spectators compete for Most Elegant, Most Original and Most Humorous. Polo Lessons: Guests who want to do more than watch the game are invited to sign up for private polo lessons. The event includes National Anthem & polo pony parade | Best Dressed Couple winners | Hot air balloons inflate (weather permitting) | Sand Sculpture Contest (Beach Polo theme) | Grayse & Brady's informal modeling | Porsche Million Dollar Road Rally.

LITTLE RIVER: Winesong Pinot Noir Celebration September 7, 2018, 1-4 p.m. Little River Inn 7901 N. Highway One $tickets, Hosted by Little River Inn

LIVERMORE: Harvest Tour & Tasting  September 7-22, 2018 Select Dates Wente Vineyards 5565 Tesla Road Livermore, CA $,

LONG BEACH: QFilm Festival September 6-9, 2018. The longest-running film festival in Long Beach, California, with one of the largest LGBTQ populations in the state. QFilms Long Beach is THE queer film festival to see. Art Theatre | film

LONG BEACH: Original Long Beach Lobster Festival September 7-9, 2018. 

MORRO BAY: Taste of the Grove September 7, 2018, 5-8 p.m. The Packing Shed Morro Bay $75, Enjoy all-inclusive farm-to-table pairings with area growers and local chefs presenting  avocado-themed dishes.

NEVADA CITY: Nevada City Film Festival September 7-14, 2018. Independent film, music and comedy, along with international filmmakers, and industry guests to the historic Gold Rush era town. 

PINECREST: Bear Music Fest September 7-9, 2018. Line up: The Brothers Comatose... $tickets,

SAN DIEGO: Horrible Imaginings Film Festival. Celebrates horror and its various sub-genres by showcasing new and independent artists, as well as reviving classic horror films. Held at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park, the festival features films ranging from psychological thrillers to supernatural horror to slashers and even related genres like noir.

SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco Green Film Festival September 6-13, 2018. Explore the relationship between people and the planet.  

TRUCKEE: Lake Tahoe Autumn Food & Wine Festival September 7-9, 2018 Northstar California Resort Truckee, CA $20-175, Festival brings together renowned winemakers and some of the regions finest chefs. Tickets sold a la carte or as festival packages.

VACAVILLE: The Art, Wine & Brew festival in Town Square. $30-35,

VENTURA: Ventura Home & Garden Shows September 7-9, 2018 Seaside Park, Ventura County Fairgrounds Annual Shows. Friday Noon-6, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5. Admission: $3-up. | home shows

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