Laguna Lake
504 Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA
Free fun, educational day
Join with millions around the world in
recognizing the anniversary of Earth
Day. In San Luis Obispo County, Get Down
to Earth.
Dozens of nonprofits, businesses, government agencies and students clubs will share their cause, program and solutions to protect and preserve our natural resources and reduce climate change. All ages are welcome and admission is free. Visit the Kid's Zone, Green Car Show, Eco Market Place, Health Center, and enjoy food (meatless menu) and beverages from Beda's Biergarten and Bliss Cafe.
Earth Day Alliance is an all volunteer organization. We need your help in planning, preparing and on the day of the event. We welcome experienced and newbies to assist with all levels of work from leaders to worker bees. Join the team. For more information call (805) 544-8529 or email: earthdayslo@g
Earth Day is like a county fair. Businesses, nonprofits, schools, private citizens come out to share an environmental message, concern, solution or product.
Everyone can be involved in making Earth Day a success.
Tasks range from everything such as set design to ticket
sales and drawing management, builders, organizers, security
staff, clean up, compost brigade and more. The Earth Day Alliance, is a grassroots nonprofit 501C3 partner
with are San Luis Obispo County Parks
and the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens
for SLO County Earth Day.