April 12, 2025, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
"Deep Sea Eggspedition" is 2025 theme
UC Berkeley Campus
Campanile Esplanade, rain or shine
Free, eggster.berkeley.edu or eggster.org
31st Annual Egg Hunt and Learning Festival themed Space Eggsploration
Bring the whole family for arts and crafts and egg hunts for children 12 years of age and under! The Learning Festival will take place rain or shine. This event is free and handicap accessible. Eggster Organization is a student group acting independently of the University of California. For more volunteer opportunities, contact eggsteroverall@gmail.com
April 18, 2025, 7-9 p.m.
Grove Park
1730 Oregon St.
Berkeley, CA
Free but registration required,
berkeleyca.gov/ community-recreation/
events/ flashlight-egg-hunt-0
For 5th-8th grade
A special egg hunt in the dark includes glow in the dark eggs. Bring flashlights and a bag to carry your prizes. You'll receive your glow gear, a necklace, or glasses when you arrive. There will be food trucks onsite!
When, it's time to start hunting for colorful eggs filled with your favorite candies, some may contain a mystery egg that allows you to advance to the next level and win exciting prizes. The second-place prize is a 43-inch TV Insignia Smart Fire TV. The third-place prize is the current edition of over-the-head wireless Bluetooth BEATS. The grand prize is Meta Quest 3.
April 19, 2025, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Cesar Chavez Park
11 Spinnaker Way
Berkeley, CA 94705
$12 child Pre-register online or register on-site day of event, berkeleyca.gov
Berkeley Spring Egg Hunt Extravaganza Spring Egg Hunt Extravaganza returns! Join this annual event hosted by the City of Berkeley. Families will enjoy an egg hunt, plus petting zoo, visit with the Spring Bunny, spring-themed arts and crafts, an interactive kids' carnival and Bunny Hop dance lessons. Youth participants will receive a basket to collect all their spring goodies. Youth ages 11+ can participate in a fun scavenger hunt for prizes.
Egg Hunt times:
1 year old: 10 a.m.
2 years old: 10:20 a.m.
3 years old: 10:40 a.m.
4 year: 11 a.m.
5-6 years old: 11:2 0a.m.
7-8 years old: 11:4 0a.m.
9-10 years old: 12 p.m.
11-12 years 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. ongoing scavenger hunt
Spring Egg Hunt Extravaganza all ages. You don't want to miss the City of Berkeley annual Spring Egg Hunt Extravaganza. The day will be filled with tons of fun activities.
April 6, 12, & 13, 2025, 9-11 a.m.
Central Park Drive & Anza Road
Berkeley, California 94708
$5-65 rsvp required, tildenmerrygoround.org
Annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Tilden Merry Go Round requires that you make reservations before sell out! Festive Easter Buffet, Carousel Rides, and the highlight of the morning, a visit from the Easter Bunny and a private Egg Hunt. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny is a ticketed event, purchase must be made in advance. Tickets must be purchased online.
Breakfast & Photos with the Easter Bunny, Private Easter Egg Hunt, Unlimited Carousel Rides and Easter Cartoon Movies!
Start the day with a breakfast buffet, visits and photos with the Easter
Bunny and an Egg Hunt. This event happens at Tilden Park Merry Go Round
before it opens to the general public. Tickets and reservations are required
and can be bought through the official website: TildenMerryGoRound.org.
Berkeley has
over 50
great parks for families to enjoy,
including an exciting
Playground just for kids.
Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.