April 12, 2025, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame (burlpres)
1500 Easton Dr.
Burlingame, CA
Free, facebook.com/burlpres
Bring you family for an Egg Hunt. All are invited. A taco truck is showing up, plus there's petting zoo, face painting, games, and more! There will be an egg hunt for toddlers, elementary kids, and we will even have one for middle school and high schools students! It is an all outside event. Make sure to bring your own easter egg basket!
April 19, 2025, time approx. 8:30 a.m.
Lions Hall & Washington Park
baseball field
990 Burlingame Ave.
Burlingame, CA
Free egg hunt | $10 breakfast, $7 age 12 years & under,
e-clubhouse.org/ sites/ burlingame_ca/ calendar.php
Past postings: facebook.com/BurlingameParksandRec or facebook.com/BurlingameLionsClub/
The Burlingame Lions Club is holding its annual Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt. The event begins with a pancake breakfast at 8 a.m. The egg hunt begins with the toddlers at 9 a.m. and moves up in age group from there.
Over 5,000 chocolate eggs
Face painting for the children
Twinkie Dee Star
Easter Bunny, Leo the Lion
The event is held at the Burlingame Lions Hall, located at 990 Burlingame Avenue, and in the baseball field at Washington Park.
Other events in Burlingame to celebrate the seasons
include the Annual
Parade held after the
Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.