April 18, 2025, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Civic Park Grounds
400 N. Douty
Hanford, CA
Free Ages: 1-12 years registration required: ci.hanford.ca.us
Parks & Comm Services (559) 585-2525
Posted on instagram
Egg Hunt Times
age 1-3 years 10:30 a.m.
age 4-6 years 11 a.m.
age 7-9 years 11:30 a.m.
age 10-12 years 12 p.m.
Bring Your Own Basket for the Egg Hunt. Enjoy activities such
as Bounce House, Fire Truck, Face Painting, Games, Carousel Rides and the
Easter Extravaganza.
NO Parents will be allowed in egg hunt area
You will not be permitted to jump to different age groups
Join an Egg-citing Egg Hunt at Civic Park 400 N. Douty St.
Enjoy a day of fun, laughter, delicious food & treats, and plenty of eggs, baskets will be provided A big thank you to amazing sponsor Anthem Blue Cross Medi-Cal for making this event possible!
April 12, 2025, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Testament Baptist Church
1010 West Grangeville Boulevard
Hanford, CA 93230
Free registration requested, newtestamentbaptist.net/ spring-festival/
FREE EVENT for everyone to enjoy includes an
Easter egg hunt, Easter bunnies, games, face painting, snacks, and
This exciting event is for everyone in the community to enjoy and is
absolutely FREE! Register to double your chances for the giveaway, and don’t
forget to bring your basket, family, and friends to this awesome event!
Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.