California Easter Events

Hayward Egg Hunt & Bonnet Parade

April 19, 2025, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Kennedy Park
19501 Hesperian Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94541


80th Egg Hunt & Bonnet Parade takes place rain or shine. Hosted by The Hayward Area Recreation and Park District will be hosting the 80th Annual Egg Hunt and Bonnet Parade. egg hunt The Egg Hunt will start directly at 10:00 am with the Bonnet Parade following right after.

There are four egg hunt age categories:

Ages 1-2 years
Ages 3-4 years
Ages 5-6 years
Ages 7-9 years.

Adaptive and Inclusive Egg Hunt Space for our friends with special needs, who may need quieter and slower place or other adaptions.

Bonnet Parade requires registration, which begins promptly at 9 a.m. The parade, led by the Bunny, will begin shortly after the egg hunt. Bonnet Parade participants must be 6 years and under and all bonnets must be homemade and be worn by the participants during the parade to qualify. Participants will have their homemade bonnets judged in the following categories: the prettiest, most unusual, and most colorful. The Bonnet Parade will immediately follow the Egg Hunt.


The Easter Bunny will make a surprise visit and will take place rain or shine. 

Hayward Cherryland Egg Hunt

March 23, 2024, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. NO INFO AS OF 3/18/25

Meek Estate
17365 Boston Road 
Hampton & Boston Roads
Hayward, CA 94541

Bring cameras for pictures with the Easter Bunny at the 15th Annual Easter Eggstravaganza presented by Cherryland Community Association in cooperation with Hayward Area Recreation and Park District and Castro Valley/Eden Area Chamber of Commerce.

Food vendors, community booths, craft activities, face painting and H.A.R.D. mobile recreation crew, self-guided tours of Meek Estate and Pre-decorated Hard-boiled Egg Contest for ages 3 to 12 years.  Bring your basket for a fun-filled day Cherryland's Annual Egg Hunt.

Bonnet Parade & Contest led by the Easter Bunny. Categories:

  Character Theme
  Best in Show

Free Easter Bunny Meet - bring your own camera for pictures

Decorated Egg Contest 3 - 12 years - 1 hard boiled, decorated egg entry per child, must bring from home

Egg Roll, South Lawn - must bring 1 hard boiled egg per child

Egg Hunt - bring a basket or bag to hold your eggs

Age 0 - 2 years
3 - 5 years
6 - 8 years
9 - 12 years

Cherryland is an unincorporated district of Alameda County between cities San Leandro to the north and Hayward to the south. At one time Cherryland was filled with cherry trees. The palatial Meek Mansion built in 1869 by Alameda's first farmer, William Meek, still stands on Hampton Road in the Northern part of Cherryland. The mansion is maintained by the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District, in conjunction with the Hayward Area Historical Society. The Cherryland Community Association is composed of volunteer residents.

Easter Egg Bunny Hop

April 8, 2023, 12-3 p.m.

Hayward-Castro Valley Moose Lodge
20835 Rutledge Road
Castro Valley, CA

This event features family friendly fun with food and candy, and the Easter theme offering surprises.

Castro Valley Easter Egg Hunt

April 8, 2023, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Adobe Park
20195 San Miguel Ave.
Castro Valley, CA

Keepsake photos with the Easter Bunny, an Egg-cellent Egg Hunt, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, Arts & Crafts, Sweet & Mellow Food Truck and more.

Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.

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