California Easter Events

Penn Valley Easter Egg Hunt

April 19, 2025,


Western Gateway Park
Penn Valley, CA




Nevada City, CA Easter Egg Hunt Fun Nevada City Don Wasley Egg Hunt no info 3/17/18

Nevada City Elks Lodge #518

The annual Don Wasley Easter Egg Hunt at the Lodge is an egg-citing event for kids through age 10 years. Held on Saturday before Easter Sunday, the hunt is divided into age groups.
0 to 4 years  hunt for eggs inside the building
5 to 7 years outdoors, weather permitting
8 to 10 years outdoors weather permitting

The Easter Bunny usually arrives on a Nevada City Fire Department engine around 10:45 a.m. with the the egg hunt   at 11 a.m. Following the hunt, there's time to take pictures with the Easter Bunny.

Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.

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