March 30, 2024, 8-11:30 a.m.
Walnut Grove Park & Barn
1950 Sycamore Dr.
San Marcos, CA
Bunny Breakfast $7, pre-sale
While the Bunny Breakfast often sells out, the San Marcos Egg Hunt is a free event with no registration required. Just show up and bring a basket or bag to gather your goodies for ages 0-12 years.
Scramble includes 20,000 prize-filled eggs spread throughout the park.
Egg Hunt
10:15 a.m. age 0-2 years (parents may accompany this age group)
10:25 a.m. 3-4 years
10:35 a.m. age 5-6 years
10:45 a.m. age 7-8 years
10:55 a.m. age 9-12 years
11:05 a.m. Accessible for special needs, caregivers welcome
Arrive early and enjoy free children's carnival with games, jumpees and activities. The community Holiday Egg Hunt with eggs hidden by the bunny himself includes great prizes. Have your picture taken with Peter Cottontail from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m., create free craft projects, and enjoy carnival games and party jumps. Bring a bag or basket for each child. There is a special prize for every child who hunts. Kids, ask your parents to bring your baskets to gather the eggs.
Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.