April 19, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m.
Elings Park
1298 Las Positas Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Free, $10 parking; $20 VIP, elingspark.org
Bring your baskets and enjoy Elings Park on the hoppiest day of the year.
The softball field are transformed into a colorful sea of candy filled eggs.
Hop over to the Great Egg Hunt, an annual tradition in Elings Park brought
to the public courtesy of the Elings Park Foundation. It's a day of family
fun as kids search for colorful candy-filled eggs. There's lots of
entertainment to enjoy:
East Bunnies
Candy-filled Egg Hunt
Music by Bonnie & Luna's Jumps
Free fun for all!
In the past, 16,000 eggs have been distributed with Egg Hunts divided into three age groups to ensure that every child has fun on their egg hunt:
March 30, 2024, 9-10 a.m.
La Mesa Park
295 Meigs Road
Santa Barbara, CA
Methodist Church of Santa Barbara is hosting an egg hunt in La Mesa Park. Please bring one dozen candy-filled eggs for the hunt, and please invite your friends and family to join this event!
All kids through 5th grade are welcome to an Easter egg hunt. Come for a great time of fellowship, singing, crafts, and an epic egg hunt.
March 30, 2024, 2-4 p.m.
Santa Barbara Golf Club
3500 McCaw Ave.
Free. playsantabarbara.com
RSVP required:
(805) 687-7087
Santa Barbara Golf Club's annual Easter Egg Hunt invites families to an action-packed afternoon filled with activities and fun. Easter egg hunt is designed for age 12 and under and hunts are arranged by age groups:
Age 0-2 years
Age 3-5
Age 6-12
All ages can collect eggs at their own speed, but there's a whole lot more in store for youngsters as some prefer not to hunt. In addition to the Egg Hunt (bring your own basket), enjoy:
Bounce house
Face painting
Corn hole
Egg Hunt
March 31, 2024, 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Rosewood Miramar Beach
The Event Lawn
1759 South Jameson Lane
Montecito, CA 93108
Free, Reservations are required. rosewoodhotels.com
(805) 900-8388
Join The Great Easter Egg Hunt at Miramar with timed Easter Egg Hunts for resort guests and locals to gather and celebrate along the American Riviera. Not to mention, meet The Easter Bunny himself!
Egg Hunt
11 a.m. ages 6 and under
11:45 a.m. ages 7 and older
2 p.m. ages 6 and under
2:45 p.m. ages 7 and older
Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.