April 19, 2025, 10 a.m.
Lincoln Oval Park
987 Court St.
N. Court and N.W. 2nd St.
Visalia, CA
Free, facebook.com/PALVisalia/
Annual Lincoln Oval Park PAL Easter Egg Hunt presented by Visalia Police Activities League (PAL) includes over 4,500 eggs filled with prizes - some have an even bigger prize.
Meet Easter bunny for great photo opportunities and be sure to bring your basket for the egg hunt. Separate egg hunts for toddlers and older children create a winning combination.
4500 eggs hidden within the park and each egg will have a prize. Many other eggs will contain tickets for an even bigger prize. The Easter bunny will also be present to meet and greet the kids in attendance.
Parents are encouraged to bring a camera to record the special moment. Admission to the event is free and sponsored by Visalia PAL. Visalia PAL believes that kids, cops and a caring community are keys to success and a winning combination.
March 24, 2024, 5 p.m. | 2025 tba
Visalia First Church
3737 South Akers St.
Visalia CA, 93277
Free event,
20,000 eggs / candy & toys
Food Trucks
Fun Games
Face Painting
Held at Visalia First church, the event requires lots of volunteers but in terms of the turnout, is a whopping success. 20,000 eggs to be exact! Easter is celebrated in a big way at this community church and the Egg-Splosion is just one way in which the congregation does that.
Easter Events are subject to change at discretion of event planners. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.