May 29, 2023, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
La Colonia Park Veterans Honor Courtyard
715 Valley Avenue
Solana Beach, CA
The City of Solana Beach and Solana Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5431 co-host and invite the public to a special Memorial Day ceremony featuring Camp Pendleton Young Marines as honor guard.
Solana Beach Mayor Lesa Heebner
Julian Gonzales, Post Commander for VFW Post 5431
Collin Farrar, Mira Mesa High School student
May 29, 2023, 11 a.m.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
334 14th St.
Del Mar, CA
Call: (858) 279-5458
2023 speaker is Reverend Michael Kilpatrick, US Army (retired), a deacon transitioning to All Souls' Episcopal Church, San Diego.
Hymns and prayers
Memorial Roll Call where names of members of the armed forces who died in active service are read, recognizing those who paid the ultimate price.
Please email names for roll call no later than 5 days prior to Vicki Harney, and include rank, full name and branch of service.
The service traditionally concludes with Taps
Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.