May 15-18, 2025
Ropin' Teams and Cowboy Dreams is theme
101 Frogtown Road
Angels Camp, California
8 a.m.-11 p.m. Thursday & Sunday
8 a.m.-Midnight Friday & Saturday
$11-15 approx. Weekend pass around $40
THURSDAY Miss Calaveras Competition
FRIDAY Jack Ingram Concert
SUNDAY International Frog Jump Finals, Destruction Derby and Junior
Livestock Auction
DAILY: Something Ridiculous, Hillbilly Silly Science, livestock, exhibits, fables of the west, amazing food, shopping, carnival and our famous frogs
Junior Horse Show
Saddle Queen Scholarship Competition
Buckaroo Events for Kids
Pony Express Race
Stampede Events
Angels Camp, Calif.-It's a Jumping Frog Contest and a Fair. Mostly it is a county fair for the County of Calaveras, but Jumping Frogs steal the show in Frogtown where the county fair is held on the outskirts on Angels Camp. The city of Angels Camp is known for Mark Twain and the Jumping Frog Contest. You can find a statue of Mark Twain, and gold plaques are spread on the downtown sidewalks to honor jumping frog winners of yearly contests held annually at the fair since 1928.
Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee attract thousands upon thousands of people who come for simply old-fashioned fun.
Each year on the first day of the fair Heritage Day celebrates the grand opening. A carnival with the midway, competitions, and Miss Calaveras Scholarship Pageant launch four days of fun. Forget anything else if you live in town, because this is where everyone will be during May just before school lets out for the summer.
If you decide to go, the hotel accommodations are somewhat slim during this biggest event of the year. You can try booking rooms in Angels Camp, Sonora, Murphys and other Gold Country destinations, but plan on driving to the event since lots of people visit and the limited hotel accommodations simply can't hand the large weekend crowds.
Here's a basic line up of events in recent years to give you a flavor of what you might see on each day of the County Fair:
Thursday's activities often include a 10 a.m. Kiddie's Parade – Downtown Angels Camp, Junior Horse Show, opening of the Frog Jump Entry Booth, and Saddle Queen Competition.
Friday features Frog Stampede (Arm National Anthem, 3 Man Cattle Penning, 2-Person Cattle Penning, Cattle Sorting, Cattle Stealing, Ranch Roping, Calf Branding,) Wrestling and 6:30p.m. Grand Entry Celebrating the American Hero with a Salute to First Responders, followed by the CCPRA Rodeo by Rockin M Productions.
On Sunday, International Frog Jump Day, another Qualifying Frog Jump at Main Stage Area happens around 9 a.m. Around 3 p.m., the International Frog Jump Grand Finals commence. It's hard to come down from the mountain high and ecstasy that winning a frog jump contest can bring. So to finish off a perfect weekend, Destruction Derby in the Arena rounds out another year of great entertainment that draws tourists from around the world to see Calaveras County's unique event.
Angels Camp is well known for its annual event that celebrates author Mark Twain, with a Jumping Frog Jubilee each year at the local fairgrounds. Mark Twain look-alikes read from his fictional books, and the region swells to thousands of visitors who hear about and clamor for old-fashioned fun, such as entering their pet frog into the jumping competition.
Kids dress up like their favorite characters from Tom Sawyer novels and enter contests with prizes for their attire.
Angels Camp first paved its main street back in 1928 and every year since -- except 1933 during the great depression-- the Jumping Frog Jubilee has been held in Angels Camp. County Fair and the Jumping Frog Jubilee were combined in 1938. There's a Frog Hop of Fame--The winner receives a trophy, cash prize and a plaque honoring the jockey and his or her frog is embedded into the sidewalks of downtown Angels Camp. World record holders receive special recognition. The world record is 21' 5 3/4".
Getting to Angeles Camp, California: 2 1/2 hours from the Bay Area on Highways 49 and 4. Approx. 2 hours South East of Sacramento.