California Farms


California Boysenberry Naturally

Would Walter Knott, the fantastic promoter and first successful grower of the boysenberry named after his inventor friend, Rudolph Boysen, roll in his grave at what has become of boysenberry products that bare the family name?

"He would be rolling over in his grave now if he knew what has happened to all of his hard work to build his wonderful empire," says Joy Knott.

What happened? The Knott's empire sold off a food brand that included berry jams, preserves and syrups to a large food conglomerate known for its use of high fructose corn syrup to make processed foods, often containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

When looking for the non-GMO boysenberry jams and preserves head directly to Knott's Berry Farm for products under the name "Berry Market".  Here is the labeling:

"Made in the home-style tradition - cooked in small batches and with fresh fruits cooked quickly to capture their smooth, sweet flavor. Produced in California our preserves mare made with cane sugar, fruit, water, lemon juice and pectin."

Does it cost more? Probably. Is it worth it? You often have to pay more to avoid GMO foods, but when it comes to health, if you cut costs now, you may pay later.


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