When September comes around, you'll see pumpkins taking over in grocery stores and markets everywhere. They come in plenty of shapes and sizes but most of us don't know a Knucklehead from a Moonshine, do we? It sounds more like the Three Stooges Meets Andy Griffith Show than types of pumpkins that you can buy.
Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival includes the biggest pumpkin. Does 1,500+ pounds sound big enough?
Pictured are some popular pumpkins sold as seeds you can plant & grow yourself: Rouge Vif d'Etampes, Jarrahdale, Long Island Cheese, Bliss, Marina di Chioggia, Musque de Provence, Knuckle Head, American Tondo, Moonshine, Kakai, Valenciano, Red October, Speckled Hound, Naples Long, Queensland Blue and Autumn Crown.
More about pumpkins:
Pumpkin Recipes - Pumpkin Bisque