January 26-29, 2023
Patrick Ranch Museum
Chico, CA
CHICO: Snowgoose Festival highlights a beautiful sight this time of year when the Snow Goose spends winters in warm parts of North America from California to Mexico. They fly as far south as Texas and Mexico during winter, and return to nest on the Arctic tundra each spring. At this anticipated annual event over 70 Guided Field Trips & Workshops, Boat & Kayak Tours, Raptor & Owl Banding, Painting & Photography Classes, Wildlife Refuge trips, Bird Carving, Optics Demo
Free Activities for Youth & Armchair Adventures await!
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Lundberg Family Farms Bird Tour & Welcome Reception
Lundberg Family Farms, Richvale, CA
Saturday, January 28, 2023
"Gathering of Wings" Banquet & Silent Auction
With featured keynote speaker:
Julie Rentner, President, River Partners
Bell Memorial Union Auditorium, CSU, Chico
January 27-March 19, 2023
Reception: Friday, January 27, 2023
Snow Goose Festival "For the Love of Birds" Exhibit & Reception
Museum of Northern California Art (monca), Chico, CA Art Exhibit:
Sampling of past field trips
Birds, River, & Riparian Forests New
Birding, History, & Wine Tasting in Durham
Colusa National Wildlife Refuge & Vicinity
Raptor Run
Basics of Wildlife Photography Workshop
Eagle Roost Safari
Bat Safari
Upper Bidwell Park's Yahi Trail
Lake Oroville Pontoon Boat Tour
Sandhill Cranes & Winter Raptors
Paddle the North Forebay
Demystifying Ducks: Getting to Know Your Waterfowl
Eagle Roost Safari
Family Owl Prowl
Raptor ID, Trapping, & Banding
Sutter Buttes Hike
Raptor Run
Tundra Swan Viewing
Snow Goose Festival is one of many wildlife bird festivals in California.
This is winter birding in the Northern Sacramento Valley at its best! The premier birding and nature festival of the Northern Sacramento Valley includes tours and informative workshops take place at riparian forests, local foothills, grassland habitats, protected wetlands, lakes, rivers, and creeks along the Altacal Audubon's Birding Trail.
Enjoy small groups and individual attention during guided tours into lush viewing resident and migratory birds such as the Belted Kingfisher, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Mountain and Western Bluebird, Yellow-billed Magpie and Northern Flicker.
Snow geese leave their nesting areas and spend more than half the year on their migration to and from warmer wintering areas. During spring migration, large flocks of snow geese fly very high along narrow corridors, more than 3,000 miles from traditional wintering areas to the tundra. The population of greater snow geese was in decline at the beginning of the 20th century, but has now recovered to sustainable levels. Snow geese in North America have increased to the point where the tundra breeding areas in the Arctic and the saltmarsh wintering grounds are both becoming severely degraded, and this affects other species using the same habitat.
Celebrate the migratory waterfowl of the Northern Sacramento Valley at the annual Snow Goose Festival! Field trips, lectures, workshops and an art show are some of the exciting attractions at the annual festival.
Other popular birding events are yours just by taking a drive to places such as Los Banos.
Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.