California Festivals

Oroville, California Olive Day

Held in June 2025 TBA

Ehmann Home
1480 Lincoln Street
Oroville, CA
(530) 533-9418 or 877-7436


Info is for Olive Day at the Ehmann House in Febuary: Butte County Historical Society hosts the Annual Olive Festival Celebrating the Olive. 2nd Annual Ripe Olive Day (Established by the California State Legislature on February 21, 1921). See the Ehmann Home in Historic Downtown Oroville. "The House that Olives Built" Honoring past workers at the Ehmann Olive Company; Free Buffet with everything made from Olives, Tours of the Ehmann Home will be available. Ehmann Olives will be for sale. Sponsored by Butte County Historical Society RSVP 530-877-7436 or 530-533-9418

The event is free to the public and features:

  • Live music,
  • Beer Garden with beer tasting
  • Olive and olive oil tasting and olive sales
  • Gift Shop Sales of Olives and Olive gifts
  • Table of tasty delights, everything made with olives
  • Tours of the Ehmann Home-Admission by donation

What better place to have an Olive Festival, but at the House that Olives built. Freda Ehmann came to Oroville in 1898, founded the Ehmann Olive Co. and started the canning industry of the olive. She is written up in Who's Who as the Mother of the California Black Ripe Olive. That's why it is so great that the Olive Festival is held in Oroville and at her home.

It is expected that it will get bigger and better every year. This year it is being co-sponsored by the City of Oroville. The Ehmann Home and will be decorated with Olive Trees and tents with Olive and Olive Oil Growers of Butte County.

Tours of the Ehmann Home

This Colonial Revival/ Craftsman Home is regularly open every Saturday from 11-3 and a tours are given by the Ehmann Maid, The Lady of Butte County-Alberta Tracy, for over 25 years.

1911 home, now 100 yrs old, was built by Freda Ehmann and her son. She livid in the home with her son and daughter -in-law and two grandchildren until 1925. Then the house was the Butte County Annex for 53 years. When it was learned that the home was going to be torn down to make a parking lot, Butte County Historical Society became interested in it and it was deeded to them by the Butte County Supervisors and has been the headquarters of BCHS ever since.

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