California Kids Fishing Festivals
Seal Beach Fishing Derby: The Los Alamitos/Seal Beach Rotary Club is hosting its 24th Annual Fishing Derby on the Seal Beach Pier from 8 am to 12 pm on August 22nd. Children of all ages are encouraged to fish the pier. They can bring their own rods and reels or ask for a loaner in the catch, weigh and release event. There will be prizes for the largest fish caught. The California Fish & Game will also be on site to answer any questions and to identify fish as they are caught. Scouts are encouraged to come help the children fishing; mainly baiting hooks, connecting lures, untangling lines, etc.
It's a fish off! The Rotary Club of Los Alamitos/Seal Beach invites you to the 24th Annual Seal Beach Fishing Derby for kids that will take place August 22 at the local pier. Registration will take place at the pier between 7:00—9:00 a.m. and run until 12:00 p.m. Free refreshments will also be provided. The free event is open to all youth up to the age of fifteen years old. Bring your favorite rod and reel, loaners and free bait will also be available! The derby is catch and release and qualifying fish will be weighed once they are reeled in. The youth involved will not only have fun but will leave having had great first-hand experience in fish identification! After the fish are caught, derby participants will use the sign on the pier to determine whether the fish they hooked are safe to eat or qualify for the tournament. So bring out the kids to have some educational fun at the 24th Annual Seal Beach Fishing Derby! If you have any questions, please call Patricia Eskenazi at 562-882-0533. This article was released by the Rotary Club of Los Alamitos/Seal Beach.
City of Seal Beach Centennial Activities: Aug 22 - Beach Party & BBQ (Free) Bring your family & friends and plan to celebrate our City's 100th birthday on the beach! Bring your kites and other toys and enjoy the entire day at the beach! Parking is at 8th Street and Ocean, but will be very limited, so arrive early and think about carpooling. Also, the BBQ is free, but I would plan one bringing some food, drinks, and snacks in a cooler to be safe. You never know how much food will actually be there or how long the line may be. 8:30 am – Surf lesson 9:30am – Volleyball clinic with tournament to follow 11:00am – Sand castle building demo and event for kids 12:00pm – Barbecue 12:30pm – Horseshoe competition – Sign-up begins at 12:00pm by Life Guard HQ 1:00pm – Bathing Suits of the Past Parade
Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.