By C. MacDonald
When I was a kid, there was no Internet. You would either ask
your parents, look info up in World Book Encyclopedias or at the
library. I found the Reference Librarians to be the most
knowledgeable people around. They knew how to find the answer to
everything--even strange terms.
Terminology was especially confusing as a youngster. You'd hear
big words, which adults threw around with little fear that they
would be intercepted by a child. Every now and then, I could
figure out a word or two, tossed around by adults, and not meant
for me to understand. But when it came to a visit to the
doctor's office, forget it.
Those doctors are in a league of their own (so are pharmacists),
when it came to terminology. I usually couldn't find out how to
spell the words, let alone determine their meaning.
One word of particular interest to me was "ectomorph." For some
reason, every time I went in for a physical as a kid, the doctor
would say to his nurse, "He's an ectomorph." (Sounded like a
dinosaur to me.)
If that was not bad enough, I started seeing this term on my
physical reports, which I took a peek at while the doctor was
out conferring in the hall.
Ectomorph, is that good or bad? I did not know but I noticed on
the forms that it was alongside mesomorph and endomorph. I don't
know why but I always wished the good doctor would place me in
one of the other categories.
It took years to get out of the rut and advance to the next
level. I eventually found out from a librarian, that ectomorph
meant "skinny," so I was delighted to be finally accepted in the
mesomorph category in my teens. This is reserved for people with
an athletic build.
Years later, I was in danger of leaving the mesomorph
classification for the other level, endomorph--the plumper
person. In fact, to this day, I wish I could go back to those
early years and still be considered an ectomorph, even if I
wondered what it meant.