Valentine's Day ranks #2 holiday for
giving greetings cards.
190+ million Valentine's Day cards
sent in U.S.
1 billion cards exchanged if you
factor in schools. Source: U.S. Greeting
Card Assoc.
First mass-produced Valentines in
U.S. sold shortly after 1847 by Esther
Valentine's Day celebrated in United
States, Canada, Mexico, the United
Kingdom, France Australia, Denmark and
54% People in U.S. celebrate Valentine's Day
(National Retail Federation)
Hallmark says the origins of
Valentine's Day are "murky."
Legend that theologian Valentinus,
was executed for his religious beliefs
on Feb.14, 269 A.D., leaving a farewell
note "From Your Valentine."
Pope Gelasius declared Feb. 14 as St. Valentine’s Day to honor the martyr Valentinus
circa 498 A.D.
By 1797 printers in England were producing cards with verses and sketches, called "mechanical valentines."
In 1868 British chocolate company Cadbury created Fancy Boxes in the shape of a heart
and filled with chocolates for Valentine's Day.
By the mid-20th century Valentine's
Day became a gift-giving day
featuring food, cards, clothing and
experiences such as gondola rides, movie
dates and hotel stays.
Day Gift Giving Tips
Know the Status of Your Relationship
-- intimate versus acquaintance. Avoid
lingerie, etc. if not intimate.
Learn What He or She Likes such as favorite
hobbies, sports, sweets, movie
tickets, makeup, food.
Tried-and-True staples like a card, candy
and flowers remain favorites.
Know what your true love likes and
buy specific candy or flowers.
Expensive can be risky in early stages
of relationship. Choose gifts
appropriately and don't overwhelm.
Practical gifts such as a toaster or hair dryer
may send message that person is boring.
Keep it light and fun and something that
pulls on the heartstrings.
Consider homemade candlelight meals,
writing a poem or making something
special when money is tight.
Valentine's Day Demographics
Just over half the population honors
the holiday in a financial way
Expenditures of Valentine's Day
participants average $146-150
Age 25-34 years typically spend
double the national average
Age 18-24
years spend 2nd most money
Western U.S., including California,
celebrates Valentine's Day less than other
Top expenditures by dollars: #1 Greeting cards
| #2 Candy | #3 Flowers | #4 Evening
date | #5 Jewelry | #6 Clothing
Top recipients of gifts: 83% Spouse
or significant other | 65% Other (not
spouse) | 46% Family | 25% Friends | 23%
Pets | 21% Classmates, teachers | 11%