ABOUT US: SeeCalifornia.com showcases travel
stories from a variety of authors who
explore the world. You are welcome to
let us know about your trips and
interesting vacation spots. We
appreciate the opportunity to share
information and talents. We have also
include a section on
California's exceptional people.
Bailey | Brown | Clift | Fliedner | MacDonald |
Kahenya | Hill | MacDonald | Morrison | Moser |
Schultz | Shaw | Sommers | Steinberg | Young |
Howen | Singer |
Here is information about our travel writers and contributors:
George Bailey is a Canadian travel writer and photographer who has held many career positions but currently loves to travel and publish stories about his international journeys.
Zoie Clift has worked as public relations director for Arkansas Tourism. She specializes in sports and outdoor reporting. Her photography and writing style is exciting and insightful.
Chris MacDonald publishes several news sites, a coupon website and has a featured column in a newspaper. Chris MacDonald loves California beaches and especially Southern California.
Craig MacDonald is the author of 19 non-fiction books about the Gold Rush, a contributing writer to Sierra Heritage magazine, Pulitzer nominee for breaking news as a San Diego Union Tribute reporter, and has years of experience as a producer, director and writer.
Debbie Stock - publishes SeeCalifornia.com and numerous websites. She has worked as a professional photographer and writer for business magazines, newspapers and Fortune 500 firms. Her award-winning photos have appeared in National Geographic, NY Times, Christian Science Monitor, car magazines, fashion magazines, and daily newspapers!
Denise Morrison is a travel photographer and writer who lives in Switzerland. She worked in the travel industry for more than a decade in Southern California.
Deborah Brown has been a professional writer both as a marketing and public relations expert and as a travel writer.
Colleen Fliedner has written several travel books, is a ghost writer for a variety of books, and her travel stories have been featured in countless magazines and newspaper publications.
Paula Schultz is an interpreter and also an incredible photographer with award-winning artistic expression.
Joe Shaw is a former Huntington Beach, Calif. City Council Member (the first LGBT candidate to win a seat). He has traveled extensively and currently resides in Nebraska.
Barbara Steinberg is a travel writer and California destination expert with years of experience working for the State of California Tourism and Visit California.
Connie Young is California is a travel writer who has visited international destinations and excels in detailed coverage of her journeys.
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about advertising, or require
editorial assistance with event
submissions, story ideas,
corrections, clarifications and
other content concerns, please contact
Please provide the URL of the specific web page when corrections are requested. It appears in your address bar when you find the web page. Just copy and paste it into your message so we will understand the exact reference point for your requests.
We strive to return your email
queries in a timely manner and will
reply back as soon as possible to
requests for needed updates.
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