The inherent challenges using the Feedburner product and rather large photos that accompany news stories and features is that the daily letter often is not delivered to the Inbox of services such as Yahoo and Gmail, for instance. The great part about Feedburner was its ease of use, free-no fee service. However, Feedburner was purchased by Google several years ago and they discontinued support for it, going as far as to totally drop their Japanese product by not renewing the Japan domain. Then in 2012 Google announced it would no longer support apps and other enhancements to Feedburner. Those who installed Feedburner ads on their blogs suddenly were told that it wasn't profitable for Google, so the product was dropped. However, Feedburner provided no method to remove the ad option from blogs, and those who had signed up for the program saw missing pictures as place holders for ads in their delivered blogs.
Several times some functions of Feedburner have not worked, and for hundreds of thousands of users and millions of subscribers to blogs and news services using the product, there was virtually no support or anyone to contact. Google shut down Feedburner support blogs and as of 2013, the product still delivers emails to subscribers, but with no guarantees, no support, and for all who use it, the awareness that there should be back up plan. Update for 2015: Feedburner still works! Here are the current stats!